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Ordre Ericales
Famille Ericaceae






  • Frith, G. J. T., 1993. The development of a highbush blueberry industry in Australia, Australia 14-16 January 1953. Acta Hort., 346 : 59-62.
  • Galletta, G. J. & J. R. Ballington, 1996. Blueberries, cranberries, and lingonberries (p. 1-107). In: J. Janick & J. N. Moore (eds.), Fruit breeding. Vol. 2. Vine and small fruits. Wiley New York. 477 p.
  • Hall, I. V., 1978. Vaccinium species of horticultural importance in Canada. Hort. Abstr., 48 (6): 441-445.
  • Janick, J. & J. N. Moore (eds.), 1975. Advances in fruit breeding. Purdue Univ. Press West Lafayette. 623 p.
  • Liebster, G. 1961. Die Kulturheidelbeere. Parey Berlin, Hamburg. 229 p.
  • Luby, J. L., J. R. Ballington, A. D. Draper, K. Pl., 1990. Blueberries and cranberries (Vaccinium). Acta Hort., 290(1) : 393-456.
  • Lyrene, P. M., 1997. Value of various taxa in breeding tetraploid blueberries in Florida. Euphytica, 94 : 15-22.
  • Naumann, W. D., 1993. Overview of the Vaccinium industry in Western Europe. Acta Hort., 346 : 53-58.
  • Tamada, T., 1993. Some problems and the possibility of future on the blueberry industry in Japan. Acta Hort., 346 : 33-40.
  • Todd, J. C., 1980. Commercial cultivation of blueberries (1). Fruit & Produce, 2 : 8.
  • Vander Kloet, S. P., 1988. The genus Vaccinium in North America. Res. Branch Agric. Canada Publ., 1828: 201 p.
