Carica papaya

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Carica papaya L.

alt=Description de l'image Carica papaya MS4113.JPG.
papayer femelle
Ordre Brassicales
Famille Caricaceae
Genre Carica

2n = 18

Origine : Mexique, Mésoamérique

sauvage ou cultivé

Français papayer
Anglais papaya

Résumé des usages
  • fruit mûr consommé
  • fruit vert consommé cru en salade
  • feuilles et fleurs comestibles
  • latex du fruit immature : source de papaïne


Noms populaires

français papayer / papaye
créole guyanais papaye [papay] (Pharma. Guyane)
wayãpi mãũ (Pharma. Guyane)
palikur paβay (Pharma. Guyane)
anglais papaya, papaw, pawpaw, melon tree
allemand Papaya, Melonenbaum
néerlandais papaja
italien papaia
espagnol papaya ; lechosa (Venezuela, Saint-Domingue) ; mamón (Argentine) ; fruta bomba (Cuba)
portugais papaia ; mamão (Brésil)
Philippines papaya, kapaya, lapaya (PROSEA)
Indonésie papaya, gedang (Sundanese), kates (Javanese) (PROSEA)
Malaysia papaya, betek, ketalah (PROSEA)
Thaïlande malakor (centre), loko (péninsule), ma kuai thet (nord) (PROSEA)
Vietnam du du (PROSEA)
Laos houng (PROSEA)
Cambodge lhong, doeum lahong (PROSEA)
Birmanie thimbaw (PROSEA)


Carica papaya L. (1753)

synonyme :

  • Carica sativa Tussac (1824)



  • Boym, Michał, 1696. Flora Sinensis. Paris, 15 p. Seconde édition en français. Voir Fan yay çu sur Pl@ntUse.


Known only in cultivation. Probably originated from natural hybridisations involving C. peltata Hook. & Arn. in the lowlands of E Central America. In pre-Colombian times it must have been cultivated already for a long period. At the time of America's discovery it was known from Mexico to Panama and occured in a wide range of diverse types. From tropical America it was brought to the Caribbean and SE Asia by the Spanish explorers in the 16th cent. Afterwards it spread rapidly to India, Oceania and Africa. Today it is widely distributed throughout the tropical and warmer subtropical areas of the world. There are two main types: hermaphroditic "Solo", and dioecious "Fruta bomba"; the first produce pyriform fruits weighting 0,5-0,75 kg, the latter oval fruits with a weight of 1,0-7,5 kg. The nutritious ripe fruits are a favourite dessert, that is available year-round. The pulp is rich in vitamin A and C and very wholesome. It is suitable to make fruit salads, refreshing drinks, jam, jelly and candies. Unripe fruits are pickled or cooked as vegetables. The seeds are used as vermifuge. In some regions papaya is grown for the extraction of papain and chymopapain, proteolytic enzymes from the latex, mainly of the unripe fruits. Papain is used in the beverage, food and pharmaceutical industries. Well-known is its use in tenderizing tough meat. It is also applied to the treatment of silk and wool in the textile industry and for preparing cosmetics.



  • Grenand, Pierre ; Moretti, Christian ; Jacquemin, Henri & Prévost, Marie-Françoise, 2004. Pharmacopées traditionnelles en Guyane. Créoles, Wayãpi, Palikur. 2e édition revue et complétée. Paris, IRD. 816 p. (1ère éd.: 1987). Voir sur Pl@ntUse.
  • TRAMIL, Pharmacopée végétale caribéenne, éd. scient. L. Germosén-Robineau. 2014. 3e éd. Santo Domingo, Canopé de Guadeloupe. 420 p. Voir sur Pl@ntUse
