Stachytarpheta jamaicensis

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Stachytarpheta jamaicensis
(L.) Vahl

Ordre Lamiales
Famille Verbenaceae
Genre Stachytarpheta

2n =

Origine : Amérique tropicale

sauvage ou cultivé

Français '
Anglais '

Résumé des usages
  • médicinal
  • feuilles : légume


Noms populaires

français queue de rat, verveine
anglais Aaron's rod, bastard vervain, Brazilian tea, devilś coachcohip, Jamaica false vervain (Mansfeld) ; blue snakeweed, Jamaican snakeweed, bastard vervain (PROSEA)
espagnol verbena azul, verbena cimarrona (Cuba) (Mansfeld)
créole guyanais gros verveine [gro-vervenn], verveine queue de rat [vèvenn-latjo-rat], verveine caraïbe [vèvenn karaib] (Pharma. Guyane)
palikur yatuwe arib (Pharma. Guyane)
hindi किरयारथारनी - kariyartharani (Mansfeld)
Philippines kandikandilaan (tagalog), bolo moros (bikol), albaka (Panay bisaya) (PROSEA)
Indonésie jarong (javanais, sundanais), gajihan, ngadi rengga (javanais) (PROSEA)
Thaïlande phan nguu khieo (centre), yaa nuat suea (nord), yaa haang nguu (péninsule) (PROSEA)
Vietnam duôi chuột, hải tiên (PROSEA)
Cambodge mo mi scha (PROSEA)


Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.) Vahl (1804)

basionyme :

  • Verbena jamaicensis L. (1753)




In India, SE Asia and the Caribbean area cultivated. In Java the tips of the twigs are used as a pot herb and condiment. In India and Cuba the plant is used in folk medicine and for the preparation of a tea. In Pemba the plant is used as a vegetable. Wild distribution: Florida to northern South America, West Indies, on the Pacific isl. occasionally naturalized, also from India to SE Asia.



  • Burkill, I. H., 1966. A dictionary of the economic products of the Malay Peninsula. 2 vols. Kuala Lumpur, Ministry Agric. & Cooperatives, 2444 p.
  • Grenand, Pierre ; Moretti, Christian ; Jacquemin, Henri & Prévost, Marie-Françoise, 2004. Pharmacopées traditionnelles en Guyane. Créoles, Wayãpi, Palikur. 2e édition revue et complétée. Paris, IRD. 816 p. (1ère éd.: 1987). Voir sur Pl@ntUse.
  • Hammer, K., ; Esquivel, M. & Knüpffer, H.(eds.),1992-1994. "...y tienen faxones y fabas muy diversos de los nuestros." Origin, evolution and diversity of Cuban plant genetic resources. Gatersleben, IPK, 824 p.
  • Wealth of India, 1976. The Wealth of India. A dictionary of Indian raw materials and industrial products. Raw Materials 10. New Delhi, Council Scientific Industrial Research.
