Argemone mexicana

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Argemone mexicana L.

alt=Description de l'image Argemone mexicana flower 2.jpg.
Ordre Ranunculales
Famille Papaveraceae
Genre Argemone

2n =

Origine : Amérique tropicale

sauvage ou cultivé

Français pavot épineux
Anglais Mexican poppy

Résumé des usages
  • médicinal
  • ornemental
  • graines : huile industrielle
  • rôle rituel (Amérindiens)


  • plante herbacée annuelle pouvant atteindre 60 cm de haut, recouverte de nombreuses épines; latex jaune
  • feuilles sessiles, alternées, roncinées-pinnatifides de 8-20 cm, lobes courts et larges, à marges épineuses
  • fleurs hermaphrodites, solitaires terminales ; calice de 3 sépales épineux; corolle avec 6 pétales, jaunes ou blancs, de 2-3 cm
  • fuit: capsule à 4-6 valves de 4-5 cm, épineuse

Noms populaires

français argémone, pavot épineux, pavot du Mexique
anglais Mexican poppy, prickly poppy, yellow thistle ; Bermuda thistle, Mexican prickly poppy (Mansfeld)
espagnol adormidera espinosa, amapolas del campo, cardo blanco (Chili) ; cardo santo, chicalote (Guatemala, Chili) (Mansfeld)
portugais papoila mexicana, papoula do México, cardo santo (PROTA)
créole antillais chadwon béni, chadwon mabré, zèb dragon (TRAMIL)
arabe tashmezg (Mansfeld)
swahili mtunguja bonde (PROTA)
nahuatl chichilotl (Mansfeld)
chinois 蓟罂粟 - ji ying su (Flora of China)
sanscrit brahmadanti, svarnasiri (Mansfeld) ; ब्रह्मदण्डी - brahmadandi, हेमदुग्ध - hemadugdha, हेमशिखा - hemashikha, कान्चक्षीरी - kanchakshiri, कटुपर्णी - katuparni, पीतदुग्धा - pitadugdha, सृगालकण्टक - srgalakantaka, स्वर्णक्षीरी - swarnakshiri (Flowers of India)
hindi भटभामट - bhatbhamat, पीली किटली - pili katili (Mansfeld) ; भरभांड - bharbhand, फिरंगी धतूरा - phirangi dhatura, पीला धतूरा - pila dhatura, सत्यानाशी - satyanashi, सियालकांटा - siyalkanta, तिल्मखार - tilmakhar (Flowers of India)
ourdou بهربهانڐ - bharbhand, سيال کانٿا - siyalkanta (Flowers of India)
bengali শিয়ালকাঁটা - siyalakanta (Flowers of India)
marathi कांटे धोत्रा - kante dhotra, फिरंगी धोतरा - phirangi dhotra, पिवळा धोत्रा - pivala dhotra, सत्यनाशी - satyanashi (Flowers of India)
gujerati દારુડી - darudi, પીળો ધતૂરો - pilo dhaturo, સત્યાનાશી - satyanashi (Flowers of India)
konkani फिरंगी धोत्रा - firangi dhotra (Flowers of India)
rajasthani सत्यानासी - satyanasi, ऊँटकांटालीया - unt-kantalia (Flowers of India)
telugu బలురక్కసి - balurakkasi, బ్రహ్మదండి - brahmadandi
tamoul எலியோட்டி - eli-y-otti, குருக்கு - kurukku, குடிக்குச்சகுனி - kutikku-c-cakuni, குடியோட்டுப்பூண்டு - kuti-y-ottu-p-pun-tu, பிரம்மத் தண்டு - piram-mat-tantu (Flowers of India)
kannada ಅರಸಿನ ಉಮ್ಮತ್ತ - arasina ummatta, ದತ್ತೂರಿ ಗಿಡ - datturi gida, ಗೊಳಗೊಳಿಕೆ - golagolike, ಹುಚ್ಚು ಬ್ರಹ್ಮದಂಡಿ - huchchu brahmadandi (Flowers of India)
malayalam ബ്രഹ്മദന്തി - brahmadanti, എരുമക്കള്ളി - erumakkalli (Flowers of India)
odia ଡେଙ୍ଗବେଜାରି - dengabejari, କଣ୍ଟାକୁସୁମ - kantakusuma, ଶିଆଳି କଣ୍ଟା - siali kanta (Flowers of India)
kachchhi દારુડી - darudi, પીરીઓકંઢો - piriokandho, ઉઝરકંઢો - ujharakandho (Flowers of India)
manipuri খোমথোঙপী - khomthongpee (Flowers of India)
népalais काँडे - kaande, सत्यानासी - satyaanaasi, सुंगुरे काँडा - sungure kaandaa, थाकल - thaakal (Flowers of India)
Punjab ਕੰਡਿਆਲੀ - kandiali, ਸਿਆਲਕਾਂਟਾ - sialkanta (Flowers of India)
Assam শিয়ালকাঁটা - siyalakanta (Flowers of India)
Philippines kachumba, kasubang-aso (iloko), diluariu (tagalog) (PROSEA)
Indonésie celangkringan, druju (javanais) (PROSEA)
Malaysia chelang keringan (PROSEA)
Thaïlande fin naam (Bangkok) (PROSEA)
Vietnam gai cua, mùi cua, cà gai hoa vàng (PROSEA)


Argemone mexicana L. (1753)




The species played a role in the religions of the Indians of Central America. In the fourties cultivated for the seed oil in Eritrea and traditionally in Ethiopia. Today cultivated in Mali; also an ornamental. The seed oil is used for production of soap and as a fuel. Seeds, leaves and the latex are often used as a popular remedy. However, the seeds contain remarkable amounts of the alkaloid sanguinarine, which is today considered to be the cause for the frequently occurring epidemics of dropsy in India.



  • TRAMIL, Pharmacopée végétale caribéenne, éd. scient. L. Germosén-Robineau. 2014. 3e éd. Santo Domingo, Canopé de Guadeloupe. 420 p. Voir sur Pl@ntUse
