Amaranthus spinosus

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Amaranthus spinosus L.

alt=Description de l'image Starr 070215-4597 Amaranthus spinosus.jpg.
Ordre Caryophyllales
Famille Amaranthaceae
Genre Amaranthus

2n =

Origine : Amérique ?

sauvage ou cultivé

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Anglais '

Résumé des usages
  • légume-feuille
  • médicinale


Noms populaires


Amaranthus spinosus L. (1753)




Amaranthus spinosus Linn. PRICKLY CALALUE. THORNY AMARANTH. Tropical regions. This is a weed in cultivated land in Asia, Africa and America. It is cultivated sometimes as a spinach. [1] In Jamaica, it is frequently used as a vegetable and is wholesome and agreeable. [2] It seems to be the prickly calalue of Long. [3]

  1. De Candolle, A. P. Geog. Bot. 2:778. 1855.
  2. Lunan, J. Hort. Jam. 1:143. 1814.
  3. Long Hist. Jam. 3:771. 1774.
Sturtevant, Notes on edible plants, 1919.


  • Rakoto-Ratsimamanga, Albert ; Boiteau, Pierre & Mouton, Marcel, 1969. Eléments de pharmacopée malagasy. tome & (Notices 1 à 39). Tananarive, Société pour la promotion de la pharmacopée malagasy. 306 p. Voir sur Pl@ntUse
