Plant of the month 2012 September-October
From PlantUse English
The plant of the month: beans
The world of beans is huge, with 5 species cultivated in the Phaseolus genus, not speaking of Vigna and Lablab. Both vegetables and pulses, they contribute a lot to our food supply. Their origin has long been the subject of controversy, and the name itself of haricot reamins mysterious.
Their diversity is illustrated through 57 line drawings of Vilmorin-Andrieux (1904) and 49 unpublished colour plates of Le Berryais (1806). They were then called nain Roi des beurres, flageolet nain Triomphe des châssis, nain jaune extra-hâtif, nain gigantesque, ventre-de-biche…
It is now up to you to contribute!
Michel Chauvet