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Petroselinum crispum

2 701 octets ajoutés, 8 mai 2021 à 08:54
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== Classification ==
''Petroselinum crispum'' (Mill.) Fuss (1866) (GRIN, Plant List)
synonymes :
*Voir les [[Persil (Vilmorin-Andrieux, 1904)|''Plantes potagères'' de Vilmorin (1904)]]
*Voir les [[Persil (Cazin 1868)|''Plantes médicinales'' de Cazin (1868)]]
{{Citation encadré| classtexte="wikitable" style="width:100%;"|Certaines variétés horticoles sont cultivées et même subsponta­nées.
La plante entière est utilisée comme condiment.
Elle est réputée avoir des vertus ''emménagogues'' et ''diurétiques'' (LEMORDANT ''et al''., 1977).
{{droite|auteur =[[Ombellifères (Le Floc'h, 1983)#Petroselinum crispum|Le Floc'h, 1983, ''Ethnobotanique tunisienne'', 177]].}}{{Citation encadré|texte=One of the most important culinary herbs, cultivated from subarctic to most temperate and many tropical regions worldwide for flavouring and garnishing. Used medicinally in Greek and Roman antiquity. Grown as a herb in S Europe from then onwards. Its cultivation spread to Central Europe in the early Middle Ages and to Western and Northern Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries. A rich source of provitamin A and vitamin C. Its apiol and myristicin containing essential oil is used in commerical food flavouring and perfumery. Preparations of fruits, roots and juice are applicated especially in folk medicine as diuretic, tonic and aphrodisiac. Several morphologically differentiated taxa with different use have been selected, which are treated here following in general the more detailed formal classification of Danert (1959).*''crispum'' : Besides the spontaneous var. ''silvestre'' (Alef.) Danert, this convar. contains the flat-leaved var. ''vulgare'' (Nois.) Danert and the crisped-leaved var. ''crispum'', the leaves of which are used fresh for garnishing and, also dehydrated or frozen, for seasoning soups, salads, vegetable, meat and fish dishes. The world's largest producers of common parsley are the USA (California, New Jersey, Florida, Texas) and in Europe, besides Eastern European countries, Italy, France and the Netherlands. The Neapolitan parsley, var. ''neapolitanum'' Danert, has been rarely cultivated in southern Italy and Libya for its fleshy petiols and ribs, eaten as a vegetable. There is much further variability, especially in leaf size, shape and dissection patterns.*''radicosum'' : Grown for the swollen taproots, eaten cooked as a vegetable and in soups or sometimes dried and ground into powder for use as a flavouring. The flat or crisped (var. ''erfurtense'' Danert; selected at the end of the 19th cent. in Germany, meanwhile extinct in cultivation) leaves are used like those of var. ''vulgare'' and var. ''crispum''. Turnip-rooted parsley has been selected relatively late, probably in the beginning of the 16th cent. in Holland or Germany. Now predominantly grown in Eastern Europe, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark and Great Britain.|auteur =Mansfeld.}}
== Références ==
*Chauvet, Michel, 2018. ''[[Encyclopédie des plantes alimentaires]]''. Paris, Belin. 880 p. (p. 757)
*Danert, S., 1959. Zur Gliederung von ''Petroselinum crispum'' (Mill.) Nym. ''Kulturpflanze'', '''7''' : 73-81.
*Sazonova, L. V., 1971. Petruška - ''Petroselinum'' Hill (pp 374-392). In: V. T. Krasočkin (ed.), ''Kul'turnaja flora SSSR 19: Korneplodnye rastenija''. Leningrad, Kolos. 435 p.
== Liens ==
*[http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=5&taxon_id=200015713 Flora of Pakistan]
*[http://www.botanical.com/botanical/mgmh/p/parsle09.html Grieve's herbal]
*[httphttps://wwwnpgsweb.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bingringlobal/npgstaxon/html/tax_search.pltaxonomydetail?Petroselinum%20crispum id=27448 GRIN]
*[http://www.ipni.org/ipni/simplePlantNameSearch.do?find_wholeName=Petroselinum%20crispum&output_format=normal&query_type=by_query&back_page=query_ipni.html IPNI]
*[http://mansfeld.ipk-gatersleben.de/pls/htmldb_pgrcapex/f?p=185:4546:13291644128746015085140604569::NO::P7_BOTNAMEmodule,P7_DB_CHECKBOX1mf_use,P7_DB_CHECKBOX2source,P7_DB_CHECKBOX4akzanz,rehm,akzname,taxid:mf,,botnam,0,,Petroselinum%20crispum,,, 1246 Mansfeld]*[http://herbnaeb.umdbrit.umich.eduorg/herbuses/search.pl/?searchstringstring=Petroselinum%20crispum +crispum Moerman, Native American Ethnobotany]
*[http://www.plantnames.unimelb.edu.au/Sorting/Petroselinum.html Multilingual Plant Name Database]
*[http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/nexus/Petroselinum_crispum_nex.html NewCrop Purdue]
*[http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl1.1/search?q=Petroselinum+crispum Plant List]
*[http://pfaf.org/user/Plant.aspx?LatinName=Petroselinum%20crispum Plants for a future]
*[http://www.plantsoftheworldonline.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:60442790-2 Plants of the World Online]
*[[:en:Petroselinum crispum (PROSEA)|PROSEA sur Pl@ntUse]]
*[[Petroselinum crispum (PROTA)|PROTA sur Pl@ntUse]]
*[https://inpn.mnhn.fr/espece/cd_nom/112821/tab/taxo TAXREF]
*[http://www.tela-botanica.org/bdtfx-nn-82595 Tela Botanica]
*[http://tropical.theferns.info/viewtropical.php?id=Petroselinum%20crispum Useful Tropical Plants Database]
*[https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petroselinum%20crispum Wikipédia]
*[http://www.wikiphyto.org/wiki/Petroselinum%20crispum Wikiphyto]
*[http://www.worldfloraonline.org/taxon/wfo-0000745326 World Flora Online]
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