Dracaena draco

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Dracaena draco (L.) L.

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Ordre Asparagales
Famille Asparagaceae
Genre Dracaena

2n =

Origine :

sauvage et cultivé


Résumé des usages
  • résine du tronc : sang-dragon
  • médicinal
  • rôle magique
  • feuilles : fourrage
  • support de la vanille


Noms populaires

français dragonnier des Canaries
anglais dragon blood tree, dragon dracaena
allemand Drachenbaum, Drachenblutbaum
néerlandais drakebloedboom
italien drago, sangue di drago
espagnol drago, drago de Canarias, dragonal, dragonera, sangre de dragón
portugais árvore do dragão, dragoeiro, dragoneiro


Dracaena draco (L.) L. (1767)

basionyme :

  • Asparagus draco L. (1762)

  • var. ajgal, endémique du Maroc.




Cultivated for the resin from the trunk, which is used for its medicinal properties and for production of lac. The resin, the so-called "dragon's blood", is used as a folk medicine and fumigating agent. It is involved in mystic and occultic performances because of its red blood-like consistence. Leaves have been used for animal fodder in dry seasons. In various tropical regions cultivated as supporter for Vanilla. Multiplied by cuttings.



  • Anderson, Thomas C., Cati Kalinoski, & Lucas Mertehikian, 2021. Dracaena draco: The Mystery of Dragon's Blood. Dumbarton Oaks. Plant Humanities
  • NWFP 6. Coppen J.J.W., 1995. Gums, resins and latexes of plant origin. FAO, Rome. 142 p. (Non-Wood Forest Products, 6). sur Pl@ntUse
  • Marrero, A. ; Almeida, R. S. & Gonzalez, M. M., 1998. A new species of the wild dragon tree, Dracaena (Dracaenaceae), from Gran Canaria and its taxonomic and biogeographic implications. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 128 (3) : 291‑314.
