Citrofortunella microcarpa
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Citrofortunella microcarpa
(Bunge) Wijnands
Ordre | Sapindales |
Famille | Rutaceae |
Genre | Citrofortunella |
2n = 18
Origine : Indonésie, Philippines,
Français | calamondin |
Anglais | calamondin |
Résumé des usages
- fruit comestible
- fruit condiment pour chutneys
- plante ornementale
- porte-greffe
- Fruit very small, oblate to spherical; apex flattened or depressed. Rind color orange to orange-red; very thin, smooth, and finely pitted, easily separable only at maturity; sweet and edible. Segments about 9 and axis small and semi-hollow. Flesh orange-colored; tender, juicy, and acid. Seeds few, small, plump, polyembryonic, and with green cotyledons. Fruit holds on tree remarkably well.
- Tree of medium vigor, highly productive, upright and columnar, nearly thornless; leaves small, broadly oval, and mandarin-like. Strongly cold-resistant.
- The mandarin-like Calamondin is the Calamonding of the Philippines, the szukai-kat of southern China and Taiwan, the tôkinkan and shikikitsu of Japan, the djerook kastoori of Java, and the hazara of India.
- There has been some doubt about the status of this fruit. Swingle recognized it as a valid species in 1914, but later failed to give it specific rating. Tanaka for some time retained its specific rank in what he designated as the Mitis subgroup. More recently, Tanaka (1954) has classed it as Citrus madurensis Loureiro.
- Undoubtedly of Chinese origin, this fruit was early and widely distributed throughout the Orient, including Indonesia and the Philippines, where the earliest descriptions were made. Although mandarin-like in most respects, it has similarities with the kumquat and sometimes has been confused with that fruit, particularly in India and Ceylon. Indeed, Swingle (1943, p. 357) considered it to be a natural hybrid between a sour mandarin and some kumquat.
- The Calamondin has little economic importance for the fruit but is widely used as an ornamental in Florida and California. It is especially attractive as a potted or tubbed plant in fruit and currently is extensively grown and shipped to the population centers of the United States for use as a winter house plant. It also makes an excellent rootstock for the oval or Nagami kumquat, when grown for similar purposes. Peters, an attractive, variegated-leaf form is grown somewhat in California, primarily for landscape use." Reuther et al., 1967. The Citrus Industry Vol. 1.
Noms populaires
français | calamondin |
anglais | calamondin, Philippine lime |
néerlandais | djeroek kastoeri |
espagnol | naranjita de San José |
portugais | limoeiro do Japão |
chinois | sì jì jú ; szu-kai-kat |
japonais | tôkinkan, shikikitsu |
Philippines | kalamondin, kalamansi, limonsito (PROSEA) |
Indonésie | jeruk peres, jeruk kasturi, jeruk potong (PROSEA) ; jeruk kesturi |
Malaysia | limau kesturi, limau chuit (PROSEA) |
Thaïlande | sommapit (Trat), somchit (Bangkok), manao-wan (PROSEA) |
Vietnam | tâc, hanh (PROSEA) |
×Citrofortunella microcarpa (Bunge) Wijnands (1790)
- hybride Citrus reticulata × Fortunella japonica
synonymes :
- Citrus madurensis auct. non Lour. (1790)
- Citrus mitis Blanco (1837)
- ×Citrofortunella mitis (Blanco) J. W. Ingram & H. E. Moore (1975)
- Chauvet, Michel, 2018. Encyclopédie des plantes alimentaires. Paris, Belin. 880 p. (p. 655)
- Citrus variety collection (Riverside, Californie)
- Mansfeld (Citrus madurensis)
- Multilingual Plant Name Database
- NewCrop Purdue (Citrofortunella mitis)
- Plant List
- Plants for a future
- PROSEA sur Pl@ntUse
- Useful Tropical Plants Database
- Wikipédia