Bambusa vulgaris

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Bambusa vulgaris
Schrad. ex J.C.Wendl.

Ordre Poales
Famille Poaceae
Genre Bambusa

2n = 72

Origine : Asie

sauvage ou cultivé

Français bambou de Chine
Anglais common bamboo

Résumé des usages
  • matériau de construction, meubles
  • pâte à papier
  • ornemental
  • médicinal
  • pousses : légume


Noms populaires

français bambou, bambou de Chine
créole guyanais bambou [banbou] (Pharma. Guyane)
wayãpi ilipala (Pharma. Guyane)
palikur iwiβra (Pharma. Guyane)
kali’na ilipala (Pharma. Guyane)
anglais common bamboo
portugais bambu vulgar
swahili mwanzi, mwazi


Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. ex J.C.Wendl. (1810)




Extensively cultivated. Often used as ornamental with many horticultural forms. The thick-walled culms are used for construction purposes, for paper pulp, and for furniture. In peninsular Malaysia occasionally grown for its shoots, in S China, India, and Cuba for medicinal purposes. It is also planted for erosion control, as hedge to border land, and as windbreak. The leaves are sometimes used as forage. Wild distribution: Only known under cultivation everywhere in the tropics. It is the most common bamboo of the world.



  • Grenand, Pierre ; Moretti, Christian ; Jacquemin, Henri & Prévost, Marie-Françoise, 2004. Pharmacopées traditionnelles en Guyane. Créoles, Wayãpi, Palikur. 2e édition revue et complétée. Paris, IRD. 816 p. (1ère éd.: 1987). Voir sur Pl@ntUse.
