Andrographis paniculata

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Andrographis paniculata
(Burm. f.) Wall. ex Nees

alt=Description de l'image Andrographis paniculata (Kalpa) in Narshapur forest, AP W2 IMG 0867.jpg.
Ordre Lamiales
Famille Acanthaceae
Genre Andrographis

2n =

Origine : Asie tropicale

sauvage et cultivé


Résumé des usages
  • médicinal


  • plante herbacée jusqu’à 50 cm de haut, très ramifiée
  • feuilles ovales-lancéolées à éliptiques, de 1,5-7 cm de long et de 1-2,5 cm de large, glabres, vert pâle sur l’envers, 3 à 5 nervures secondaires de chaque côté de la nervure centrale, marge entière, pointe aiguë à acuminée courte
  • inflorescence terminale en panicule avec des feuilles secondaires ; rachis glabre à légèrement pubescent, bractées triangulaires à subulées
  • fleurs blanches de 1,5-2 cm avec des points pourpres
  • fruit : capsule ellipsoïde, glabre ou pubescente à trichomes glanduleux sur la pointe
  • graines rugeuses de 2 x 1,5 mm

Noms populaires

français roi des amers (PROSEA)
anglais creat, green chireta, king of bitters (PROSEA)
chinois 穿心莲 - chuan xin lian (Flora of China)
sanscrit bhunimba, kirata (Wealth of India) ; भूनिम्ब - bhunimba, कालमेघ - kalamegha, महातिक्ता - mahatikta, यवतिक्ता - yavatikta (Flowers of India)
hindi िकरायत - kirayat, करायत - kiryat (Mansfeld), kalmegh, mahatita (Wealth of India) ; हरा चिरायता - hara chirayata, कालमेघ - kalmegh, कल्पनाथ - kalpanath, किरयित् - kirayit, महातीता - mahatita (Flowers of India)
bengali kalmegh (Wealth of India) ; কালমেঘ - kalmegh (Flowers of India)
marathi olikiryata (Wealth of India) ; कालमेघ - kalamegha, कल्प - kalpa, ओले किरायत - ole kirayat, पाले किरायत - paale kirayat (Flowers of India)
gujerati kariyatu (Wealth of India) ; કરિયાતું - kariyatu (Flowers of India)
telugu neelaveemu (Wealth of India) ; నేలవేము - nelavemu (Flowers of India)
tamoul nilavembu (Wealth of India) ; நிலவேம்பு - nilavempu (Flowers of India)
konkani व्हडलें किरायतें - vhadlem kiraytem (Flowers of India)
kannada nelaberu (Wealth of India) ; ನೆಲಬೇವು - nelabevu, ಊರಕಿರಿಯಾತು - urakiriyatu (Flowers of India)
malayalam kiriyattu, melaveppu (Wealth of India) ; കിരിയാത്ത - kiriyatta, നിലവേപ്പ് - nilavepp (Flowers of India)
oriya bhuinimba (Wealth of India) ; ଭଦ୍ରତିକ୍ତା - bhadratikta, ଭୁଇଁ ନିମ୍ବ - bhui nimba, ହୈମ - haima, ଶଙ୍ଖିନୀ - shankhini, ଶ୍ବେତ ବୁହ୍ନା - shweta buhna, ସ୍ଥୂଳପୁଷ୍ପୀ - sthulapushpi (Flowers of India)
Gondi bhui limb (Wealth of India)
Mundari bhuinim (Wealth of India)
Assam kalameghi, mahatita (Mansfeld) ; কালমেঘ - kalmegh, মহা-তিতা - moha-tita, চিৰতা - sirota (Flowers of India)
népalais अंकुरि फुल - ankuri phul, कालमेघ - kalamegha, कलपनाथ - kalapnath (Flowers of India)
dogri काला चिर्यात - kala chiryata, किर्यात - kiryata (Flowers of India)
manipuri ꯚꯨꯕꯇꯤ - bhubati (Flowers of India)
mizo hnakhapui (Flowers of India)
punjabi ਚਰੈਤਾ charaita (Flowers of India)
Philippines aluy, lekha (tagalog), sinta (bikol) (PROSEA)
Indonésie ki oray (sundanais), sambilata (javanais), ampadu (Padang) (PROSEA)
Thaïlande fa thalaai (Bangkok), khee-pang-hee (chinois), yaa kannguu (Songkhla) (PROSEA)
Vietnam công cộng, khổ diệp, xuyên tâm liên (PROSEA)


Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Wall. ex Nees (1832)




In the Indian lowlands and Assam occasionally cultivated as a medicinal plant. Roots, leaves and young twigs are used as a remedy for jaundice. The drug is used as a bitter stomachic and tonic and as a substitute for quinine.



  • TRAMIL, Pharmacopée végétale caribéenne, éd. scient. L. Germosén-Robineau. 2014. 3e éd. Santo Domingo, Canopé de Guadeloupe. 420 p. Voir sur Pl@ntUse
