Thrinax-Trachycarpus (Sturtevant, 1919)
Thrinax-Trachycarpus (Sturtevant, 1919) |
- 1 Thrinax argentea Lodd.
- 2 Thuja gigantea Nutt.
- 3 Thuja occidentalis Linn.
- 4 Thymus capitatus Hoffmgg. & Link.
- 5 Thymus serpyllum Linn.
- 6 Thymus vulgaris Linn.
- 7 Tigridia pavonia Ker-Gawl.
- 8 Tilia.
- 9 Tinguarra sicula Benth. & Hook. f.
- 10 Tococa guianensis Aubl.
- 11 Toddalia aculeata Pers.
- 12 Torreya nucifera Sieb. & Zucc.
- 13 Trachycarpus fortunei H. Wendl.
- 14 Trachycarpus martianus H. Wendl.
Thrinax argentea Lodd.
A palm of the West Indies and Panama. The undeveloped leaves, or cabbage, form an excellent vegetable.
Thuja gigantea Nutt.
Western North America. Nuttall says the cambium is used as food by the Indians of Oregon.
Thuja occidentalis Linn.
North America and Siberia. Thoreau, In the Maine Woods, says, "This night we had a dish of arbor-vitae, or cedar tea, which the lumberman sometimes uses when other herbs fail." He did not find it very palatable.
Thymus capitatus Hoffmgg. & Link.
The Levant; introduced into Britain in 1596. This plant is used as savory for seasoning. This species is omitted from our most modem books on gardening, although recorded in American gardens as late as 1863. It is mentioned as under culture in many of the early works on botany and gardening.
Thymus serpyllum Linn.
Europe and sparingly naturalized in some localities in northeastern America. In 1726, Townsend speaks of it in English gardens but not as a potherb. It is placed among American potherbs by McMahon, 1806. At the present time, lemon thyme is occasionally used for seasoning in England. In Iceland, it is used to give an agreeable flavor to sour milk. The odor of the leaves is quite agreeable, and they are thought to be a desirable seasoning for veal. Don says the flavor of the leaves is milder and more grateful than those of T. vulgaris.
Thymus vulgaris Linn.
Southern countries of Europe but long cultivated in more northern countries. In English culture, thyme is recorded about 1548 and is mentioned by Gerarde, 1597, and succeeding authors. It succeeds as an annual even in Iceland and is recorded as grown in the tropical gardens of the Mauritius. Three varieties are known: the narrow-leaved, Thymus vulgaris, tenuiore folio of Bauhin, 1596; the broad-leaved, Thymus vulgaris, latiore folio of Bahuin, 1596; and the variegated, Thymus varie goto folio of Tournefort and also mentioned by Bauhin, 1623. Thyme was known in American gardens in 1806 or earlier. The broad-leaved kind is the one now principally grown in the herb garden for use in seasonings.
Tigridia pavonia Ker-Gawl.
Mexico. Its farinaceous root was eaten by the ancient Mexicans.
Several species of Tilia are extensively grown as shade trees in Europe, where they are indigenous, and all may often be found introduced in the northeastern states of America. The flowers and leaves are sometimes used as a tea substitute and sugar has been made from the sap. During the last century, Missa, a French chemist, found that the fruit of the lime, ground up with some of the flowers in a mortar, furnished a substance much resembling chocolate in flavor. Some attempts were made in Prussia to introduce the manufacture of this lime-chocolate but were abandoned on account of the great liability of the paste to decompose. Lime-chocolate contains much nutritious matter and has an agreeable flavor.
Tinguarra sicula Benth. & Hook. f.
Countries about the Mediterranean Sea. The root is edible and celerylike.
Tococa guianensis Aubl.
Brazil. The fruit is edible.
Toddalia aculeata Pers.
Rutaceae. LOPEZ ROOT.
Tropical India. The ripe berries, says Roxburgh, are fully as pungent as black pepper and with nearly the same kind of pungency. They are pickled by the natives and are most excellent.
Torreya nucifera Sieb. & Zucc.
Coniferae. KAYA.
Japan. The nuts are carefully gathered by the Japanese and the kernels are eaten. An oil used for culinary purposes is expressed from them. In China, the seeds are eaten like hazelnuts and, although reputed somewhat laxative, are considered wholesome.
Trachycarpus fortunei H. Wendl.
China. The clusters of young flower-buds are eaten in China in much the same way as bamboo sprouts.
Trachycarpus martianus H. Wendl.
Himalayan region. The fruit is eaten, though the pulp is scanty and almost tasteless.