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Canarium rigidum (PROSEA)

129 bytes added, 20:08, 7 August 2018
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<big>''[[Canarium rigidum]]'' (Blume) Zipp. ex Miq.</big>
:Protologue: Fl. Ind. Bat. 1(2): 648 (1859).
== Synonyms ==
*''Canarium polyphyllum'' K. Schumann (1889), *''Canarium ledermannii'' Lauterb. (1920).
== Vernacular names ==
== Observations ==
*A medium-sized tree up to 30 m tall, bole up to 45 cm in diameter, buttressed, bark surface grey; stipules .*Stipules absent; leaves with 7-25 leaflets, leaflets shortly acuminate to gradually long-acuminate at apex, margin entire, glabrous or minutely pubescent on the midrib above and main veins below, with 11-24 pairs of secondary veins which are prominent below; inflorescence .*Inflorescence axillary, laxly paniculate; male .*Male flowers 6 mm long, female ones 7.5 mm long, stamens 6; fruit .*Fruit ellipsoid, acute, circular to rounded triangular in cross-section, 40-50 mm × 20-25 mm, glabrous.  ''C. rigidum'' occurs in primary and secondary forest, up to 1200 m altitude.
== Selected sources ==
162, 342, 366.
== Authors ==
*M.S.M. Sosef (selection of species)
== Main genus page ==
*[[Canarium (PROSEA Timbers)|''Canarium'']]
[[Category:Timbers (PROSEA)]]
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