[[File:Map Burkea africana.gif|thumb|distribution in Africa (wild)]]
[[File:Linedrawing Burkea africana.gif|thumb|1, tree habit; 2, leaf; 3, flowering twig with young leaves; 4, fruit; 5, seed. Redrawn and adapted by Iskak Syamsudin]]
[[File:Burkea africana bark wursten Zimbabwetrees A. Botha Ecoport.jpg|thumb|trees]]1[[File:Burkea africana foliagetrees R.P. Ellis Ecoport.jpg|thumb|trees]]2[[File:Burkea africana inflorescences Myellow foliage A. Hyde ZimbabweBotha Ecoport.jpg|thumb|yellow foliage]]3[[File:Burkea africana leaf wursten Zimbabwefoliage.jpg|thumb|foliage]]4[[File:Burkea africana trees A. Botha Ecoportleaf wursten Zimbabwe.jpg|thumb|leaf]]5[[File:Burkea africana trees R.P. Ellis Ecoportbark wursten Zimbabwe.jpg|thumb|bark]]6[[File:Burkea africana yellow foliage Ainflorescences M. Botha EcoportHyde Zimbabwe.jpg|thumb|inflorescences]]7
[[File:Burkea africana xs M.E. Bakker Insidewood.jpg|thumb|wood in transverse section]]
[[File:Burkea africana tls M.E. Bakker Insidewood.jpg|thumb|wood in tangential section]]