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Sindora (PROSEA Exudates)

3 bytes added, 13:47, 23 February 2016
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{{DISPLAYTITLE:''Sindora Miq.'' (PROSEAExudates)}}<big>''[[Sindora Miq.]]'' Miq.</big>
* ''Sindora supa'' Merr., Philipp. Journ. Sc., Bot. 1, suppl. 3: 198 (1906).
* ''Sindora velutina'' J.G.Baker, Fl. Brit. India 2: 269 (1878), synonyms: ''S. parvifolia'' Backer ex K.Heyne (1927), ''S. parvifoliola'' Symington (1938).
== Vernacular names ==
Bureaucrat, administrator, widgeteditor

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