Plant of the month 2013 September
The plant of the month: Diospyros
Who knows that persimmon and ebonies belong to the same genus Diospyros ? En fact, this genus is mostly tropical, and is to be found worldwide with more than 500 species. Hundreds of species give black or striped ebony, and many tropical Diospyros give edible fruits. Some species are ornamental, et some of them can even be pruned into a hedge.
To untangle this situation, I inventoried all the used Diospyros in the world. As far as sources were available, we reach 115 species, for which Pl@ntUse proposes basic data and many links.
As a gift, you will find thorough notes on the etymology of names such as Diospyros, Ebenus et Plaquemine/Persimmon.
Pages have been created only in French for the moment, due to lack of time. You can help us translating!