Iridea-Isatis (Sturtevant, 1919)

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Sturtevant, Notes on edible plants, 1919
Iridea-Isatis (Sturtevant, 1919)

Iridea edulis Bory.


"It is an unaccountable fact that this plant should have been long confounded with Rhodymenia palmata — the true Irish eatable Dulse. I have never seen I. edulis eaten, but Stackhouse tells us that in Cornwall it is sometimes eaten by fishermen, who crisp it over the fire."

Iris cristata Ait.


Mountains of Virginia and southward. Pursh says the root, when chewed, at first occasions a pleasant, sweet taste, which, in a few minutes, turns to a burning sensation by far more pungent than capsicum. The hunters of Virginia use it very frequently to alleviate thirst.

Iris ensata Thunb.


Himalayas and northern Asia. This iris is cultivated in Japan for the rootstocks, which furnish starch.

Iris japonica Thunb.

Japan. This species is grown in Japan and is used for the same purpose as I. ensata.

Iris pseudacorus Linn.


Eastern Asia and Europe. The angular seeds, when ripe, are said to form a good substitute for coffee but must be well roasted before eating.

Iris setosa Pall.

Siberia. This species is grown in Japan and is used for the same purpose as I. ensata.

Iris sibirica Linn.


Europe and northern Asia. This species is grown in Japan and is used for the same purpose as I. ensata.

Iris sisyrinchium Linn.


Mediterranean, the Orient and Afghanistan. This species has been in cultivation in England since the time of Gerarde, who calls it Spanish nut and says that it is “eaten at the tables of rich and delicious persons in sallads or otherwise." It is a native of the Mediterranean region.

Iris tectorum Maxim.


Japan. This species is grown in Japan and is used for the same purpose as I. ensata.

Irvingia barteri Hook. f.

Simarubeae. BREAD TREE.

A tree of tropical Africa, called dika. Burton says the fruit forms the one sauce of the Fans and is called ndika. The kernels are extracted from the stones and roasted like coffee, pounded and poured into a mould. This cheese is scraped and added to boiling meat and vegetables. It forms a pleasant relish for the tasteless plantain. The French export it to adulterate chocolate. The fruit is much used, says Masters, at Sierra Leone.

Isatis indigotica Fortune.

Cruciferae. WOAD.

China. The leaves are used for food.