Diospyros kaki
Diospyros kaki Thunb.
Order | Ericales |
Family | Ebenaceae |
Genus | Diospyros |
2n = 6x = 90
Origin : subtropical China
English | {{{english}}} |
French | {{{french}}} |
Popular names
Diospyros kaki Thunb. (1780)
- non Diospyros kaki L.f. (1781)
- Diospyros chinensis Blume (1823), nom. nudum
The pomological classification recognizes four groups:
PCA Group (Pollination constant astringent)
The fruit pulp is not influenced by pollination. The fruit is unedible when harvested, and must become mushy to be traded and eaten, which makes it difficult to handle. Known cultivars are 'Costata' and 'Lycopersicon' in Italy, and 'Hachiya' (conical), 'Tamopan' and 'Tane-nashi' (spherical) in California.
PCNA Group (Pollination constant non astringent)
The fruit is not astringent (even if seedless), and can be eaten when still crisp, as an apple. Israel sells it as 'Sharon fruit', and it is known in French as kaki-pomme. A common cultivar is 'Fuyu' or 'Fuyugaki'.
PVA Group (Pollination variable astringent)
Parthenocarpic fruits, or fruits with few seeds, have a pale and astringent pulp. Pollinated fruits with many seeds have a pulp which turns brown and loses its astringence. Cultivated in Italy ('Kaki Tipo') and California ('Hyakume', 'Okame', 'Yemon', 'Yeddo-ichi'). Commercial names often refer to chocolate, cinnamon or brown sugar.
PVNA Group (Pollination variable non astringent)
The fruit remains astringent. 'Aizumishirazu', 'Hiratanenashi'
The probable progenitor of this hexaploid species is the wild diploid species Diospyros roxburghii Carr. (1872) (2n = 30).
- Drouet François. Classification actuelle des variétés de Diospyros kaki. on line (fr).
- Evreinoff V.-A., 1948. Le Plaqueminier du Japon ou Kaki. Fruits d'Outre-Mer, 3(4), 124-132.on line (fr).
- Ragazzini Domenico, 1983. La coltivazione del kaki. Bologna, Edagricole. 164 p. (Coll. Frutticoltura moderna).
- Sugiura A. & Taira S., 2009. Dried persimmon production in Japan. in Proc. IVth International Symposium on Persimmon (eds. E. Bellini & E. Giordani). Acta Hort., 833: 71-76.
- PROSEA 2, 1991. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 2. Edible fruits and nuts. ed. by E.W.M. Verheij & R.E. Coronel. Wageningen, PUDOC/PROSEA. (Bogor, PROSEA, 1992). 447 p.
- Wealth of India (The), 1952. A dictionary of Indian raw materials and industrial products. Vol. 3. Raw materials : D-E. New-Delhi, Council of scientific and industrial research. XX-236-XXX p., 22 pl., index vol. 1-3.