Arisaema (Sturtevant, 1919)
Arisaema (Sturtevant, 1919) |
Arisaema atrorubens Blume.
North America. Cutler says, the shredded roots and berries are said to have been boiled by the Indians with their venison. Bigelow says, the starch of the root is delicate and nutritious. It must, however, be obtained from the root by boiling in order that the heat may destroy the acrimonious principle.
Arisaema costatum Mart.
Himalayas. This is said by Ellis to be a large aroid, called ape in Tahiti, which is frequently planted in dry ground. It is considered inferior to taro.
Arisaema curvatum Kunth.
Himalayas. The Lepchas of India prepare a food called tong from the tuberous root. The roots are buried in masses until acetous fermentation sets in and are then dug, washed and cooked, by which means their poisonous properties are in part dispersed, but not entirely, as violent illness sometimes follows a hearty meal of tong.
Arisaema tortuosum Schott.
Himalayas. The root is considered esculent by the mountaineers of Nepal.