Amaranthus tricolor
Amaranthus tricolor
Order | [[]] |
Family | [[]] |
Genus | Amaranthus |
2n =
Origin : area of origin
wild or cultivated
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Popular names
Amaranthus gangeticus Linn. AMARANTHUS. Tropical zone. This amaranthus is cultivated by the natives in endless varieties and is in general use in Bengal. The plant is pulled up by the root and carried to market in that state. [1] The leaves are used as a spinach. [2] Roxburgh [3] says there are four leading varieties cultivated as pot-herbs: Viridis, the common green sort, is most cultivated; Ruber, a beautiful, bright colored variety; Albus, much cultivated in Bengal; Giganteus, is five to eight feet high with a stem as thick as a man's wrist. The soft, succulent stem is sliced and eaten as a salad, or the tops are served as an asparagus.[4] In China, the plant is eaten as a cheap, cooling, spring vegetable by all classes. [5] It is much esteemed as a potherb by all ranks of natives. [6] This species is cultivated about Macao and the neighboring part of China and is the most esteemed of all their summer vegetables. [7]
- ↑ Roxburgh, W. Hort. Beng. 67. 1814.
- ↑ Firminger, T. A. C. Gard. Ind. 142. 1874.
- ↑ Ibid.
- ↑ Ibid.
- ↑ Smith, F. P. Contrib. Mat. Med. China 12. 1871.
- ↑ Wight, R. Icon. Pls. 2:713. 1843. (A. tristis)
- ↑ Livingstone, J. Trans. Hort. Soc. Lond. 5:54. 1824. (A. tristis)
Amaranthus polygamus Linn. GOOSE-FOOT. Tropical Africa and East Indies. This plant is cultivated in India and is used as a pot-herb. [1] It has mucilaginous leaves without taste. [2] This amaranthus is a common weed everywhere in India and is much used by the natives as a pot-herb. [3] Drury says it is considered very wholesome. [4] This species is the goose-foot of Jamaica, where it is sometimes gathered and used as a green. [5]