Aglaia (Sturtevant, 1919)

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Sturtevant, Notes on edible plants, 1919
Aglaia (Sturtevant, 1919)

Aglaia edulis A. Gray.

Aglaia edulis A. Gray. Meliaceae.

Fiji Islands and the East Indies. The natives eat the aril which surrounds the seed and call it gumi[1]. The fruit is edible, having a watery, cooling, pleasant pulp[2]. The aril is large, succulent and edible[3].

  1. Don, G. Hist. Dichl. Pls. 1:683. 1831.
  2. Wight, R. Illustr. Ind. Bot. 1:146. 1840. (Milnea edulis)
  3. Royle, J. P. Illustr. Bot. Himal. 1:140. 1839.

Aglaia odorata

Aglaia odorata Lour. China. Firminger[1] says this plant never fruits in Bengal. The flowers are bright yellow, of the size and form of a pin head and are delightfully fragrant. Fortune[2] says it is the lan-hwa u yu-chu-lan of China and that the flowers are used for scenting tea. Smith[3] says it is the san-yeh-lan of China, that the flowers are used for scenting tea and that the tender leaves are eaten as a vegetable.

  1. Firminger, T. A. C. Gard. Ind. 429. 1874.
  2. Fortune, R. Resid. Chinese 201. 1857.
  3. Smith, F. P. Contrib. Mat. Med. China. 6. 1871.