Ipomoea batatas

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Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.

alt=Description de l'image Ipomoea batatasL ja01.jpg.
Ordre Solanales
Famille Convolvulaceae
Genre Ipomoea

2n = 4x = 60 ; 6x = 90

Origine : aire d'origine

sauvage ou cultivé

Français patate douce
Anglais sweet potato

Résumé des usages
  • tubercule consommé comme féculent
  • tubercules sucrés consommés en dessert
  • feuilles et jeunes tiges consommées comme légume
  • aliment du bétail
  • cultivars pourpres sources de colorant


Noms populaires

français patate douce
anglais sweet potato ; yam (sud des États-Unis)
allemand Batate, Süßkartoffel
néerlandais bataat, zoete aardappel
italien batata, patata americana
espagnol batata, boniato, moniato, camote (Mexique, Andes), aje (Cuba)
portugais batata doce
chinois fān shǔ, gān shǔ
japonais satsuma-imo
Philippines kamote, kamuti (PROSEA)
Indonésie ubi jalar (général), ketela rambat (javanais), huwi boled (sundanais) (PROSEA)
Malaysia ubi keladi, ubi keladek (PROSEA)
Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée kaukau (pidgin), kaema (motu) (PROSEA)
Thaïlande man-thet (PROSEA)
Vietnam khoai lang (PROSEA)
Laos man kè:w (PROSEA)
Cambodge dâmlô:ng chvië (PROSEA)
Birmanie myonk-ni (PROSEA)


Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. (1793)

basionyme :

  • Convolvulus batatas L. (1753)




Everywhere in the tropics and subtropics grown for its sweetish tubers eaten cooked or roasted as main dish or processed for starch and alcohol. It is an important staple food with many local selections and cultivars which show a great diversity of tuber form, tuber colour, flesh colour, time to harvest, and of nearly all morphological characters of shoots, leaves, and flowers. Trypsin inhibitor activities seem useful to establish cultivar groups. The leafy shoots are also eaten as vegetable and are used for a broad array of different medicinal purposes. It is also an excellent contention feed for livestock at milking time. Known from early times of Spanish explorers. The exact area of domestication (Mexico, early datings from 4.500 BC, or semi-arid lowlands east of the Andes, archeological proofs from Peru 8.000-10.000 BP but without evidence of cultivation) remains as uncertain as ever. The great majority of sweet potatoes are hexaploids and possibly arose by sexual polyploidisation from wild tetraploid sweet potatoes. Hexaploid forms of I. trifida (Kunth) G. Don are still very controversely discussed either as possible wild progenitor or as secondarily evolved weed. They were successfully used in breeding programs for disease resistance. It was brought by Portuguese to West and East Africa, India and Java ("batatas line") before the end of 17th cent., by Spaniards across the Pacific to the Philippines ("kamote line") in 16th cent., reaching China (end of 16th cent.) and Japan from there. Its spread into Polynesia, Micronesia and Melanesia ("kumara line") is also still controversial discussed whether it happened in prehistoric time or in the 8th cent. AD, and whether by natural or by human transport.



  • Austin, Daniel F., 1977. Hybrid polyploids in Ipomoea section Batatas. J. Hered., 68 : 259-260.
  • Austin, Daniel F., 1978. The Ipomoea batatas complex. I. Taxonomy. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 105 : 114-129.
  • Austin, Daniel F., 1988. The taxonomy, evolution and genetic diversity of sweet potatoes and related wild species. In Exploration, maintenance and utilization of sweet potato genetic resources. First planning conference, Lima, Peru, International Potato Center. pp. 27-59.
  • Ballard, Chris ; Brown, Paula ; Bourke, Michael & Harwood, Tracy (eds), 2005. The sweet potato in Oceania: a reappraisal. Pittsburgh, Sydney, University of Sydney, Ethnology Monographs 19, Monograph 56. VIII-227 p.
  • Barrau Jacques, 1957. L'énigme de la patate douce en Océanie. Etudes d'Outre Mer, 40, 3-4.
  • Bohac, J.R. ; Dukes, P.D. & Austin, D.F., 1995. Sweet potato. in Smartt and Simmonds. (eds.), Evolution of crop plants, ed. 2, pp. 57-62.
  • Brand, D.D., 1971. The sweet potato : an exercise in methodology. In Riley C.J. et al. (eds), Man across the sea. pp. 343-365. Austin, Univ. of Texas Press.
  • Chauvet, Michel, 2018. Encyclopédie des plantes alimentaires. Paris, Belin. 880 p. (p. 158)
  • Cooley, J.S., 1951. Origin of the sweet potato and primitive storage practices. The Scientific Monthly, 72 : 325-331.
  • Cooley, J.S., 1951. The sweet potato - its origin and primitive storage practices. Econ. Bot., 5(4) : 378-386.
  • Elevitch, Craig (ed.), 2011. Specialty Crops for Pacific Islands: horticulture, value-added processing, and marketing. Holualoa, Hawai'i, Permanent Agriculture Resources. 576 p., 940 photos. Agroforestry télécharger le pdf
  • Green, R.C., 2005. Sweet potato transfers in Polynesian prehistory. in C. Ballard, P. Brown, R.M. Bourke & T. Harwood (eds), The sweet potato in Oceania: a reappraisal. Ethnology Monographs, Pittsburgh, and Oceania Monographs, Sydney, pp. 43-62.
  • Henríquez Ureña, Pedro, 1938. Para la historia de los indigenismos. Papa y batata. El enigma del aje. Buenos-Aires, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. 147 p. (Biblioteca de dialectología hispano-americana, anejo III).
  • Ladefoged, T.N., Graves, M.W. & Coil, J.H., 2005. The introduction of sweet potato in Polynesia: early remains in Hawai'i. The Journal of the Polynesian Society, 114(4): 359-373.
  • Martin, Franklin W. & Jones, Alfred, 1972. The species of Ipomoea closely related to the sweet potato. Econ. Bot., 26(3) : 201-215.
  • Miyamoto, J., 1962. The history of the sweet potatoes. Yokyo, Miraisha.
  • Roullier, Caroline, 2013a. Aux origines de la diversité de la patate douce (Ipomoea batatas). Une enquête phylogéographique en Amérique tropicale (aire d’origine) et en Océanie (aire d’introduction). Thèse Montpellier.
  • Roullier, Caroline et al., 2013b. Historical collections reveal patterns of diffusion of sweet potato in Oceania obscured by modern plant movements and recombination. PNAS, 110(6) : 2205–2210. doi:10.1073/pnas.1211049110
  • Roullier, Caroline et al., 2013c. Disentangling the Origins of Cultivated Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) PLOSOne, 8(5) : 12 p. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0062707
  • Taylor, D., 1957. Aji and batata. Amer. Anthropologist, 59 : 704-705.
  • TRAMIL, Pharmacopée végétale caribéenne, éd. scient. L. Germosén-Robineau. 2014. 3e éd. Santo Domingo, Canopé de Guadeloupe. 420 p. Voir sur Pl@ntUse
  • Villareal, Ruben L. & Griggs, T.D., 1984. La patate douce. Actes du 1er symposium international. ACCT/CTA. 483 p.
  • Woolfe, Jennifer A., 1993?. Sweet potato. Un untapped food resource. Cambridge/CIP. 658 p.
  • Yen, D.E., 1974. The sweet potato and Oceania, an essay in ethnobotany. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bull. 236. Honolulu, Hawaï, 389 p.
  • Yen, D.E., 1982. Sweetpotato in historical perspective. in Villareal R.L. & Griggs T.D. (eds), Sweetpotato. Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium. AVRDC. Publ. n° 82-172, Tainan, Taiwan. pp. 17-30.
  • Yen, D.E., 1984. La patate douce dans une perspective historique. in Villareal, R.L. & Griggs, T.D. (eds), La patate douce. Actes du 1er symposium international. ACCT/CTA. pp. 25-37.
  • Zhang D. et al., 2000. Assessing genetic diversity of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) cultivars from tropical America using AFLP. Genetic resources and Crop Evolution, 47 : 659-665.
