Vigna mungo

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Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper

alt=Description of Black gram.jpg picture.
black seeds
Order Fabales
Family Leguminosae - Papilionoideae
Genus Vigna

2n = 22, 24

Origin : India

wild and cultivated

English {{{english}}}
French {{{french}}}


Popular names

  • English: black gram, urd bean
  • French: urd, haricot urd
  • German: Urd-Bohne
  • Spanish: judía urd
  • Portuguese: feijão da China
  • Italian: fagiolo urd
  • Hindi: uṛad, uṛd, uṛid
  • Vietnamese: đậu đen


Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper (1956)


  • Phaseolus mungo L. (1767) non Roxb. (1832) et auct.
  • P. radiatus Roxb. (1832) non L. (1753)

Linnaeus erroneously called the mung Phaseolus radiatus and the urd Phaseolus mungo. This was noticed by Roxburgh who corrected by inverting the use of such names. This arose a long period of confusion, further augmented by the shift of those species to Vigna. Unfortunately, the rules of nomenclature ICBN oblige us to follow the original choice of Linneaus for the epithet.

The wild form, var. silvestris Lukoki, Maréchal et Otoul (1980), is distributed in Maharashtra (India).


The most common type has black seeds graines noires ; it is called tikarī, or f. vera, and is the nomenclatural type of P. mungo L. Another type with grey seeds, f. roxburghii, is called uṛd or māsh-kulai. There are also cultivars with brownish or greenish seeds.



