Valerianella locusta (PROSEA)

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Plant Resources of South-East Asia
List of species

Valerianella locusta (L.) Laterrade

Family: Valerianaceae


  • Valerianella olitoria (L.) Pollich.

Vernacular names

  • Corn salad, lamb's lettuce (En)
  • Mâche (Fr).


Native to Europe and the Mediterranean. Occasionally also cultivated, mainly in temperate countries. On trial in Papua New Guinea.


The whole plant is used in salads.


  • Annual, somewhat succulent herb, 7-25 cm tall.
  • Leaves spathulate to lanceolate-oblong.

In the tropics it can be cultivated at higher altitudes. Propagation by seed. Whole plants are harvested when having 8-12 leaves, before the stem develops.

Selected sources

20, 43, 50.