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Dragon's blood (FAO, NWFP 6)

718 bytes added, 16:12, 3 July 2020
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== VALUE-ADDED PROCESSING==No further processing is carried out until the resin is ready for formulation by the consumingindustry. == PRODUCTS OTHER THAN RESIN==
Apart from local use as a source of cane in Southeast Asia, no other products of economic
value are known to come from the species which yield dragon's blood.
Unless some of the traditional medicinal uses of dragon's blood are developed into more
widely used products, there appears to be very little developmental potential for the plants
or the resins they produce.
 == SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY==*HIMMELREICH, U., MASAOUD, M., ADAM, G. and RIPPERGER, H. (1995) Damalachawin,a triflavonoid of a new structural type from dragon's blood of ''Dracaena cinnabari''. Phytochernistry''Phytochemistry'','''39'''(4), 949-951.*MILBURN, M. (1984) Dragon's blood in East and West Africa, Arabia and the Canary Islands.''Africa'', '''39'''(3), 486-493.*PIETERS, L., de BRUYNE, T., MEI, G., LEMIERE, G., VAN DEN BERGHE, D. andVLIETINCK, A.J. (1992) In vitro and in vivo biological activity of South American dragon's bloodand its constituents. ''Planta Medica'', '''58'''(7), A582-583.*PIOZZI, F., PASSANNANTI, S. and PATERNOSTRO, M.P. (1974) Diterpenoid resin acids of''Daemonorops draco''. Phytochemistly''Phytochemistry'', '''13''', 2231-2233.*RAO, G.S.R., GERHART, M.A., LEE, R.T., MITSCHER, L.A. and DRAKE, S. (1982)Antimicrobial agents from higher plants. Dragon's blood resin. ''Journal of Natural Products'', '''45'''(5),646-648.
<center>'''Table 22. Dragon's blood: exports from Indonesia, and destinations, 1988-93(tonnes)'''</center>{| class="wikitable center"|+|align="center"|1988 || align="center"|1989 ||align="center"| 1990 ||align="center"| 1991 ||align="center"|1992 ||align="center"| ||align="center"| 1993|- |Total ||align="right" | 26 ||align="right" | 59 ||align="right" | 71 ||align="right" | 87 ||align="right" | 47 ||align="right" | 25|- | ''Of which to'':|- |Singapore ||align="right" |19 ||align="right" |56 ||align="right" | 59 ||align="right" |36 ||align="right" |38 ||align="right" | 23|- |Hong Kong ||align="right" | 7 ||align="right" | 3 ||align="right" | 12 ||align="right" | 20 ||align="right" |9 ||align="right" | 2|- |Pakistan ||align="right" |- ||align="right" |- ||align="right" | -||align="right" | 31||align="right" |- ||align="right" | -|} 
Source: National statistics
[[Category:FAO, NWFT 6]]
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