<big>''[[Canarium balsamiferum]]'' Willd.</big>
:Protologue: Sp. pl. 4(2): 760 (1806).
== Synonyms ==
*''Canarium englerianum'' Hochr. (1904), *''Canarium longissimum'' Hochr. (1904), *''Canarium rooseboomii'' Hochr. (1904).
== Vernacular names ==
== Observations ==
*A medium-sized tree up to 30 m tall, bole branchless for up to 18 m, up to 70 cm in diameter, buttresses present; stipules .*Stipules absent; leaves with (7-)11-17 leaflets, leaflets with rather abruptly and shortly blunt-acuminate apex, margin entire, glabrous, with 8-15 pairs of secondary veins; inflorescence .*Inflorescence axillary, male one paniculate, female one mostly racemose; male .*Male flowers 10 mm long, female ones 5-6 mm long, stamens 6; fruit .*Fruit ovoid and acute, circular to slightly trigonous in cross-section, 20-40 mm × 13-20 mm, glabrous or slightly pubescent at the top. ''C. balsamiferum'' is found in primary forest, up to 700 m altitude. The density of the sapwood is 320-670 kg/m<sup>3</sup>at 15% moisture content.
== Selected sources ==
162, 234, 342, 366, 474.
== Authors ==
M.S.M. Sosef (selection of species)
== Main genus page ==
*[[Canarium (PROSEA Timbers)|''Canarium'']]
[[Category:Timbers (PROSEA)]]