<big>''[[Canarium vulgare]]'' Leenh.</big>
:Protologue: Bull. Bish. Mus. 216: 31, fig. 13 (1955).
== Observations ==
*A large tree up to 45 m tall, bole often gnarled in cultivated specimens, branchless for up to 20 m, up to 70 cm in diameter, buttresses up to 3 m high, bark surface pale greyish, inner bark exuding clear or whitish resin; stipules .*Stipules caducous, inserted at the leaf axil, oblong; leaves with (5-)9-11 leaflets, leaflets gradually to distinctly long-acuminate at apex, margin entire, glabrous, with 12-15 pairs of secondary veins which are slightly prominent below; inflorescence ?*Inflorescence terminal, broadly paniculate; male .*Male flowers 5 mm long, female ones 6-7(-12) mm long, stamens 6; fruit .*Fruit ovoid, circular to slightly trigonous in cross-section, 35-50 mm × 15-30 mm, glabrous. ''C. vulgare'' occurs locally gregariously in primary forest on limestone, up to 1200 m altitude. The density of the wood is 480-680 kg/m<sup>3</sup>at 15% moisture content.
== Selected sources ==
63, 78, 162, 218, 234, 330, 342, 366.
== Authors ==
KM.S.M. Kochummen Sosef (general part, selection of species),
R.B. Miller (properties, wood anatomy), M.S.M. Sosef (selection of species)== Main genus page ==
*[[Canarium (PROSEA Timbers)|''Canarium'']]
*See also [[Canarium (PROSEA Exudates)|''Canarium'' (Exudates)]]
[[Category:Exudates (PROSEA)]]
[[Category:Timbers (PROSEA)]]