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Vanilla planifolia (PROSEA)

259 bytes added, 14:08, 10 May 2016
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{{DISPLAYTITLE:''Vanilla planifolia'' (PROSEA)}}
[[File:Vanilla planifolia PROSEA linedrawing.png|thumb|1, flowering branch; 2, fruit]]
<big>''[[Vanilla planifolia]]'' H.C. Andrews</big>
:Protologue: Bot. repos. 8: pl. 538 (1808).
* Ranadive, A.S., 1994. Vanilla - cultivation, curing, chemistry, technology and commercial products. In: Charalambous, G. (Editor): Spices, herbs and edible fungi. Developments in Food Science 34. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 517-577.
== Sources of illustrations ==
Westphal, E. & Jansen, P.C.M. (Editors), 1989. Plant Resources of South-East Asia. A selection. Pudoc, Wageningen, the Netherlands. p. 271.
== Authors ==
*J.T.G. Straver
[[Category:Spices (PROSEA)]]
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