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Ixora (PROSEA Medicinal plants)

18 bytes added, 14:45, 7 May 2016
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{{DISPLAYTITLE:''Ixora'' (PROSEAMedicinal plants)}}
<big>''[[Ixora]]'' L.</big>
:Protologue: Sp. pl. 1: 110 (1753); Gen. pl. ed. 5: 48 (1754).
:Family: Rubiaceae
:Chromosome number: ''x''= 11;''I. chinensis'',''I. coccinea'',''I. javanica'',''I. nigricans'': 2''n''= 22
== Major species ==
*Indonesia: soka (general), ki soka (Sundanese), areng-arengan (Javanese)
*Malaysia: pechah priok, jarum-jarum, todong periok (Peninsular)
*Philippines: santan (Tagalog). *Burma (Myanmar): ponna, pan
*Cambodia: chann tanea, tè prey
*Thailand: kheme (general)
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