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PROSEA, Introduction to Rattans

13 bytes added, 09:54, 6 April 2016
Research priorities and development
The priorities for rattan research and development are as follows:
# Survey existing resources:
:::to establish the taxonomic and resource base and the rate of resource depletion;:::to document and use indigenous knowledge about rattan;:::to identify critical areas and under utilized species that could be brought into use.
# Germplasm collection, storage, exchange and characterization:
:::to expand greatly the extent of living collections of rattan;:::to explore the existing natural genetic diversity which is already at risk of depletion;:::to screen lines for adaptability to various ecological conditions, suitability for cultivation, and utility of diversified products.
# Development of propagation techniques:
:::to permit the large scale production of superior planting material for establishing plantations;:::to overcome the acknowledged difficulty of obtaining adequate supplies of seed.
# Investigation of technologies for plantation cultivation:
:::to identify and test cultivation and management techniques for cultivating rattan economically at village level and on a commercial scale.
# Evaluation of domestic use:
:::to quantify the value of domestic (urban and rural) use and of employment generated.
# Improved harvesting system, use and marketing:
:::to explore opportunities for developing appropriate techniques for harvesting and processing including post harvest protection, for improved use of added value products for domestic and international markets.
# National policies:
:::to examine national policies covering the harvesting, use, marketing and development of the resources;:::to examine quarantine laws for possible solutions to allow the exchange of propagules and germplasm.
The list of priority fields on which future rattan research and development could be focused may be expanded further. Supported by adequate funds for research and training, substantial gains may be expected in the development of the resource.
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