''S. javanica'' occurs in primary and secondary forest in dry or periodically inundated locations on flat land or on slopes up to 300(-500) m altitude. Plantations have been established in southern Sumatra where it grows best on deep loamy soils and where the mean annual rainfall is 3300 mm with no dry season. Saplings of 1 m tall can survive and grow in open cropped land and when they reach 3-4 m they behave like true pioneers and need full sunlight. Seedlings at planting time need some shade (usually provided by coffee trees and ''Erythrina'' in new plantations), but heavy shade adversely affects growth and survival. The mortality of 50 cm tall seedlings 6 years after planting in a mature agroforest under a closed canopy was 45% compared to 8% mortality when planted under a more open canopy. Growth under more open conditions was much faster, with a mean annual height increment of 0.7 m compared to 0.3 m for the seedlings planted in the mature agroforest.
== Propagation and planting ==