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Canarium indicum (PROSEA)

331 bytes added, 08:35, 7 February 2016
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== Synonyms ==
*''Canarium amboinense'' Hochr., *''C. commune'' L., *''C. moluccanum'' Blume, *''C. zephyrinum'' Rumphius.
== Vernacular names ==
== Observations ==
*Tree, up to 40 m tall and trunk 1 m in diameter, with buttresses. *Leaves 3-7-jugate. Infructescences large with up to 30 fruits. *Fruit an ovoid drupe, 3-6 cm × 2-3 cm, round to slightly triangular in cross-section. *Seed usually 1.  In low altitude rain forests, but cultivated up to 600 m. Flowering mainly from October to December, fruiting from July to December. Var. ''platycerioideum'' Leenh. (occurring in Irian Jaya), differs in having larger leaves and larger fruits.
== Selected sources ==
93*van Steenis, C.G.G.J. et al. (Editors), 1950-. Flora Malesiana. Series 1. Vol. 1, 4-10. Centre for Research and Development in Biology, Bogor, Indonesia, and Rijksherbarium, Leiden, the Netherlands. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London. == Authors == P.C.M. Jansen, J. Jukema, L.P.A. Oyen, T.G. van Lingen
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