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Phaseolus coccineus (PROTA)

292 bytes added, 16:13, 28 August 2015
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| Food security= 2
[[File:Map Phaseolus coccineus.gif|thumb|]][[File:Linedrawing Phaseolus coccineus.gif|thumb|]][[File:Phaseolus coccineus 3238.jpg|thumb|]][[File:Phaseolus coccineus 6280.jpg|thumb|]][[File:Phaseolus coccineus 7991.jpg|thumb|]][[File:Phaseolus coccineus.jpg|thumb|]][[File:Phaseolus coccineusWAG9000509.jpg|thumb|]][[File:Phaseolus coccineusWAG9000510.jpg|thumb|]]
<big>''[[Phaseolus coccineus]]'' L.</big>
{{DISPLAYTITLE:''Phaseolus coccineus'' (PROTA)}}
:Protologue: Sp. pl. 2: 724 (1753).
:Chromosome number: 2''n'' = 22
== Synonyms ==
== Vernacular names ==
*Scarlet runner bean, runner bean, multiflora bean, case knife bean (En). *Haricot d’Espagne (Fr). *Feijão da Espanha, feijão escarlata, feijão trepador (Po).
== Origin and geographic distribution ==
== Description ==
*Perennial, climbing herb with stems up to 4(–7) m long or bushy annual herb up to 60 cm tall; taproot tuberous. *Leaves alternate, 3-foliolate; stipules triangular; petiole (6–)8. 5–10.5(–16) cm long, rachis (1.5–)2.5–4(–5) cm long; stipels c. 5 mm long; leaflets ovate-rhombic, (5–)6.5–10.5(–12.5) cm × (3.5–)5–8.5(–12.5) cm, base cuneate or truncate, apex acute, thinly pubescent to glabrescent. *Inflorescence an axillary or terminal raceme, many-flowered; peduncle (5–)11–16.5(–25.5) cm long; rachis (2–)10–16(–39.5) cm long. *Flowers bisexual, papilionaceous; pedicel 0.5–1.5 cm long; calyx campanulate, glabrescent, tube c. 3 mm long, the upper 2 lobes united, the lower 3 triangular, c. 1 mm long; corolla scarlet, pink or white, standard hood-shaped, circular or broadly obovate, c. 17 mm × 17 mm, wings broadly obovate, c. 25 mm × 17 mm, keel coiled, c. 10 mm long; stamens 10, 9 fused and 1 free; ovary superior, c. 6 mm long, finely pubescent, style coiled, with collar of hairs below the stigma. *Fruit a linear-lanceolate, straight or slightly curved pod (4.5–)9–13(–30) cm × 1.5–2.5 cm, laterally compressed, beaked, glabrescent, rough with small oblique ridges, (1–)3–5(–10)-seeded. *Seeds ellipsoid-oblong, 13–25 mm × 6–13(–16) mm, black, white, cream or brown, often pink to purple mottled. *Seedling with hypogeal germination; first pair of leaves simple and opposite.
== Other botanical information ==
== Author(s) ==
* M. Brink , PROTA Network Office Europe, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 341, 6700 AH Wageningen, Netherlands
== Correct citation of this article ==
Brink, M., 2006. '''Phaseolus coccineus''' L. [Internet] Record from PROTA4U. In: Brink, M. & Belay, G. (Editors). PROTA (Plant Resources of Tropical Africa / Ressources végétales de l’Afrique tropicale), Wageningen, Netherlands. <>. 
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