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J (Libya, Hammer et al., 1988)

58 bytes removed, 15:23, 2 April 2015
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*[499] == ''Jasminum officinale '' L. (Oleaceae).-Syn.: ]. grandiflorum L.==
*Formerly grown for the production of fragrant oil from its flowers.
*Lit.: TROTTER 1915
*]uglans == ''Juglans regia '' L. (Juglandaceae).==
*Planted as a shadc shade tree and for its fruits.
*C., T.
*Lit.: TROTTER 1915, KEITH 1965
*]uncus == ''Juncus acutus '' L. (Juncaceae).==
*Used in T. for sand dune stabilization.
*Lit.: KEITH 1965
*]uniperus == ''Juniperus macrocarpa '' Sibth. et Sm. (Cupressaceae).==
*Planted as a wind break.
*Lit.: KEITH 1965
*]uniperus == ''Juniperus phoenicea '' L. (Cupressaceae).*32*==
* Sha'ara.
*Planted as a shadc tree and for wind break.
*T., C.
*Lit.: KEITH 1965
***[500]**]uniperus == ''Juniperus virginiana '' L. (Cupressaceae).==
*Planted as wind breaks.
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