Shorea amplexicaulis (PROSEA)
From PlantUse English
Introduction |
Shorea amplexicaulis P. Ashton
- Protologue: Gard. Bull. Sing. 19: 273, pl. 10 (1962).
Vernacular names
- Brunei: kawang pinang, meranti kawang, pinang lichin
- Indonesia: orai lanyung, awang rambut (south-eastern Kalimantan)
- Malaysia: engkabang pipit, tengkawang megeh telur (Sarawak), kawang bukit (Sabah).
The timber is used as light red meranti.
- A medium-sized to large tree, up to 50 m tall with tall bole up to 125 cm in diameter, buttresses up to 1 m high.
- Leaves elliptical, 11-21 cm × 5-8 cm, with 9-12 pairs of secondary veins, stipules amplexicaul, subpersistent.
- Stamens 15, anthers narrowly oblong with long appendages, ovary without a stylopodium.
- Larger fruit calyx lobes up to 18 cm × 3 cm.
S. amplexicaulis is fairly common on hillsides, slopes and especially ridges on clay or sandy soils with a high clay content from sea-level up to 700 m altitude. The density of the wood is 495-610 kg/m3 at 15% moisture content.
Selected sources
30, 100, 258, 748.
Main genus page
M.S.M. Sosef (selection of species)