Rothmannia macrophylla (PROSEA)

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Plant Resources of South-East Asia
List of species

Rothmannia macrophylla (Hook.f.) Bremek.

Family: Rubiaceae


  • Randia macrophylla Hook.f.

Vernacular names

  • Tree lily (En)
  • Malaysia: kacubong hutan, kumatan, pecah pinggan (Peninsular).


Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra.


In Peninsular Malaysia, the juice may be used for blackening teeth.


A slender, erect shrub up to 5 m tall with opposite narrowly elliptic leaves and very large, up to 15 cm long, white flowers blotched purple in the tube. Tree lily is common in lowland forest. It is a very conspicuous and beautiful plant which might be promising as an ornamental.

Selected sources

12, 13, 42.