Pinus patula (PROSEA)
From PlantUse English
Introduction |
Pinus patula Schlechtendal & Chamisso
- Protologue: Linnaea 6: 354 (1831).
- Pinus subpatula Roezl ex Gordon (1862).
Vernacular names
- Spreading-leaved pine, Mexican weeping pine, Jelecote pine (En).
Mexico; planted in South-East Asia, particularly in Papua New Guinea.
The wood is used for light construction work, boxes, ceilings, joinery and flooring, and for paper production.
- A medium-sized, slender tree up to 30(-40) m tall, but in plantations often much shorter, usually with a straight and cylindrical bole, sometimes forked, rough and deeply fissured bark, scaly with papery sheets curling upwards, and branches horizontal or turned upwards at their tips.
- Needles in bundles of (2-)3-4(-5), very slender, 15-30 cm long, persistent for 2-4 years.
- Mature cones in groups of 3-6, 4-12 cm × 2.5-4 cm, often curved, shortly stalked, pale glossy grey or brown.
- Seed 3-5 mm long with a wing of c. 10 mm long, brownish-black.
Selected sources
157, 163, 224, 488, 803.
Main genus page
- M.S.M. Sosef (selection of species)