PROSEA, Literature on Timbers 1
From PlantUse English
- 1.Abdul Rashid b. Hj. A. Malik, 1984. Malaysian timbers - bintangor. Malaysian Forest Service Trade Leaflet No 89. Malaysian Timber Industry Board, Kuala Lumpur. 7 pp.
- 2.Afzal Ata, 1985. Stem form of kapur (Dryobalanops aromatica Gaertn.f.) with special reference on its potential as a round pole for overhead power transmission lines. Malaysian Forester 48: 137-147.
- 3.Afzal Ata, Nur Supardi & Selvaraj, P., 1985. Local volume table for plantation kapur (Dryobalanops aromatica Gaertn.f.) at Sungai Puteh forest reserve (Federal Territory). Malaysian Forester 48: 276-287.
- 4.Agaloos, L.C. & Nepomuceno, P.M., 1977. Ecology of Calauit Island. Sylvatrop 2: 163-178.
- 5.Agmata, A.L., 1979. Seed borne organisms in some forest tree seeds in the Philippines: a preliminary survey. Sylvatrop 4: 215-222.
- 6.Ahmad Said, S. & Mohd Hamami, S., 1983. Responses to wood and extractives of Neobalanocarpus heimii and Shorea ovalis by the drywood termite Crytotermis cynocephalus (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae). Pertanika 6: 28-31.
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- 10.All Nippon Checkers Corporation, 1989. Illustrated commercial foreign woods in Japan. Tokyo. 262 pp.
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- 17.Alvim, P. de T. & Alvim, R., 1978. Relation of climate to growth periodicity in tropical trees. In: Tomlinson, P.B. & Zimmermann, M.H. (Editors): Tropical trees as living systems. The proceedings of the fourth Cabot Symposium held at Harvard Forest, Petersham, Massachusetts on April 26 30, 1976. Cambridge University Press., Cambridge. pp. 445-464.
- 18.America, W.M., 1974. Wood of the "palosapis"" group. Forpride Digest 3: 67-68.
- 19.America, W.M., 1982. Wood quality evaluation of gubas (Endospermum peltatum Merr.) for pulp and paper. Masteral thesis. University of the Philippines, Los Baños, College, Laguna.
- 20.America, W.M. & Lantican, C.B., 1979. Variability of some quantitative characteristics of vessel elements of gubas (Endospermum peltatum Merr.). Pterocarpus 5: 43-53.
- 21.Ang, L.H., 1988. A note on the growth of Pterocarpus indicus in a sixty year old plantation in Malaysia. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 1: 188-189.
- 22.Ang, L.H., 1990. Effect of open and under planting on early survival and growth of Endospermum malaccense (sesendok), Alstonia angustiloba (pulai) and Shorea parvifolia (meranti sarang punai). Journal of Tropical Forest Science 3: 380-384.
- 23.Ang, L.H. & Hussin, M.A., 1992. A note on germination of sesendok (Endospermum malaccense) seeds in three different sowing media. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 4: 181-183.
- 24.Ani Sulaiman, 1987. Malaysian timbers - geronggang. Timber Trade Leaflet No 104. Malaysian Timber Industry Board, Forest Research Institute Malaysia. 5 pp.
- 25.Ani Sulaiman & Lim, S.C., 1989. Some timber characteristics of Gmelina arborea grown in a plantation in Peninsular Malaysia. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 2: 135-141.
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- 28.Armitage, F.B. & Burley, J., 1980. Pinus kesiya. Tropical Forestry Papers No 9. Commonwealth Forestry Institute, Oxford. 199 pp.
- 29.Ashton, P.S., 1963. Taxonomic notes on Bornean Dipterocarpaceae. Gardens' Bulletin, Singapore 20: 229-284.
- 30.Ashton, P.S., 1964. A manual of the dipterocarp trees of Brunei State. Oxford University Press, London. xii + 242 pp.
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- 39.Baillie, I.C. & Mamit, J.D., 1983. Observations on rooting in mixed dipterocarp forest, central Sarawak. Malaysian Forester 46: 369-374.
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- 623.Skeffington, M.J.S., 1987. Multidisciplinary research on Shorea javanica 2. Soils from cultivated stands. Biotropica 1: 46-52.
- 624.Smeathers, R., 1951. A comparative study of some of the more important mechanical and physical properties of Trinidad and Burma grown teak (Tectona grandis L.). Institute Paper No 27. Imperial Forestry Institute, University of Oxford. 19 pp.
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- 626.Smitinand, T. & Larsen, K. (Editors), 1970-. Flora of Thailand. The Forest Herbarium, Royal Forest Department, Bangkok.
- 627.Smitinand, T., Tompsett, P.B. & Cheek, M., 1993. A new synonym and a range extension for Dipterocarpus alatus. Kew Bulletin 48: 397-399.
- 628.Smitinand, T., Santisuk, T. & Phengklai, C., 1980. The manual of Dipterocarpaceae of mainland South East Asia. Thai Forestry Bulletin 12: 1-110.
- 629.Smits, W.T.M., 1983. Vegetative propagation of Shorea cf. obtusa and Agathis dammara by means of leaf cuttings and stem cuttings. Malaysian Forester 46: 175-185.
- 630.Smits, W.T.M., 1989. Shorea johorensis Foxw. In: Westphal, E. & Jansen, P.C.M. (Editors): Plant resources of South East Asia. A selection. Pudoc, Wageningen. pp. 251 253.
- 631.Smits, W.T.M. & Hildebrand, J.W., 1989. Anthocephalus chinensis (Lam.) A. Rich. ex Walp. In: Westphal, E. & Jansen, P.C.M. (Editors). Plant resources of South East Asia. A selection. Pudoc, Wageningen. pp. 41-44.
- 632.Smits, W.T.M. & Struycken, B., 1983. Some preliminary results of experiments with in vitro culture of dipterocarps. Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science 31: 233-238.
- 633.Smythies, B.E., 1965. Common Sarawak trees. Borneo Literature Bureau, South China Morning Post, Hong Kong. 153 pp.
- 634.Soekeri, 1979. A possibility on modification of the "sonokeling"" planting technique. Duta Rimba 5, 35: 20-26.
- 635.Soemarna, K. & Suyana, A., 1978. Tabel isi batang dibawah pangkal tajuk dan kayu tebal untuk ramin Gonystylus bancanus Kurz di Kalimantan Tengah [Clear bole, thick wood and tree volume tables for ramin (Gonystylus bancanus Kurz) in Central Kalimantan]. Laporan No 279. Lembaga Penelitian Hutan, Bogor. 29 pp.
- 636.Soepardi, R., 1974. Teak forests in Java (Hutan jati di Jawa). Bina Rimbaguna 20: 21-25.
- 637.Soerianegara, I., 1976. Comparison of forest management in Southeast Asia [in Indonesian]. Survey & Pemetaan No 4: 12-18.
- 638.Soetadji, C.T. & Hardwinarto, S., 1986. Tinjauan potensi flora di Kawasan Hutan Wisata Sekundur, Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser, Sumatera Utara [An inventory of flora with potential in the Sekundur Recreation Forest District, Mount Leuser National Park, North Sumatra]. Buletin Penelitian Kehutanan 2(2): 29-45.
- 639.Soewarsono, P.H., 1964. Sifat sifat dan kegunaan kaju ramin [The properties and uses of ramin wood]. Rimba Indonesia 9: 89-97.
- 640.Somantri, N., 1983. Penilaian ekonomis model pengusahaan hutan sawo kecik (Manilkara kauki Dubard) di Jawa Timur [Economic evaluation of a management model of sawo kecik (Manilkara kauki Dubard) forest in East Java]. Faculty of Forestry, Agricultural University, Bogor. 93 pp.
- 641.Sono, P., 1974. Mechanical properties of Thai timber. Royal Forest Department No 144.
- 642.Sono, P., 1974. Merchantable timbers of Thailand. Forest Products Research Division, Royal Forest Department, Bankok. 152 pp.
- 643.Sono, P., 1975. Moisture content in wood, shrinkage and specific gravity of Thai timbers. Royal Forest Department No 147.
- 644.Srivastava, P.B.L. & Penguang Manggil, 1981. Vegetative propagation of some dipterocarps by cuttings. Malaysian Forester 44: 301-313.
- 645.Srivastava, P.B.L. et al., 1986. Vegetative propagation of dipterocarps. Occasional Paper No 9, Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia. ii + 34 pp.
- 646.Stadelman, R.C., 1966. Forests of Southeast Asia. Wimmer Bros., Memphis, Tennessee. 245 pp.
- 647.Stein, N., 1978. Coniferen im westlichen Malayischen Archipel [Conifers in the western Malayan archipelago]. Biogeographica vol. 11. Dr. W. Junk B.V., The Hague, Boston, London. xi+ 168 pp.
- 648.Stevens, P.F., 1980. A revision of the old world species of Calophyllum (Guttiferae). Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 61: 117-699.
- 649.Steyaert, R.L., 1951. Contribution à l'étude de genre Dialium [Contribution to the study of the genus Dialium]. Bulletin du Societé Royale Botanique de Belge 84: 29-43.
- 650.Steyaert, R.L., 1953. Étude sur les rapports entre les genres Uittienia, Dansera et Dialium [Study on the similarities between the genera Uittienia, Dansera and Dialium]. Reinwardtia 2: 251 255.
- 651.Streimann, H., 1974. Hoop pine, Araucaria cunninghamii, Araucariaceae. Timber Species Leaflet No 2. 4 pp.
- 652.Streimann, H., 1974. Klinki pine, Araucaria hunsteinii (A. Klinkii), Araucariaceae. Timber Species Leaflet No 3. 4 pp.
- 653.Styles, B.T., 1972. The flower biology of the Meliaceae and its bearing on tree breeding. Silvae Genetica 21: 175-182.
- 654.Styles, B.T. & Vosa, C.G., 1971. Chromosome numbers in the Meliaceae. Taxon 20: 485-499.
- 655.Sudarmo, M.K., 1957. Preliminary yield table of Anthocephalus cadamba Miq. (Djabon). Pengumuman No 59. Lembaga Penelitian Kehutanan, Bogor. 13 pp.
- 656.Sudo, S., 1963. Identification of tropical woods. Bulletin of the Government Forest Experiment Station No 157.
- 657.Sudo, S., 1970. Tropical timbers. Globe Publication, Japan.
- 658.Suhaendi, H., 1985. Preliminary results of a provenance trial on Gmelina arborea L. Buletin Penelitian Hutan 463: 1-19.
- 659.Suhaendi, H. & Djapilus, A., 1978. Pemilihan jenis jenis Eucalytpus dalam'usaha reboisasi dan prospek pengembangannya di daerah daerah [Selection of Eucalyptus species for reforestation work and prospects for growing them in various regions]. Lembaran Pengembangan No 2. Lembaga Penelitian Hutan, Bogor. iv + 40 pp.
- 660.Suhardi, 1984. Effect of type inocula and phosphate levels on mycorrhizal formation and initial growth of Pinus merkusii Jungh. & de Vriese seedlings in two types of soils. University of the Philippines, Laguna. Master thesis. 87 pp.
- 661.Suharlan, A., 1967. Tabel djumlah batang sementara untuk djabon (Anthocephalus cadamba Miq.) [Preliminary stand tables of Anthocephalus cadamba Miq.]. Pengumuman No 88. Lembaga Penelitian Kehutanan, Bogor. 10 pp. Also in: Rimba Indonesia 12: 37-46.
- 662.Suharti, M. & Hadi, S., 1974. Wilt disease of Dalbergia latifolia in Malang forest district, E. Java. Laporan No 194. Lembaga Penelitian Hutan, Bogor. ii + 9 pp.
- 663.Sumantri, I. & Sastrodimedjo, S., 1976. Percobaan penyadapan Agathis hamii M.Dr. di Sulawesi Selatan [Tapping trials of Agathis hamii M.Dr. in South Sulawesi]. Laporan No 58. Lembaga Penelitian Hasil Hutan, Bogor. 13 pp.
- 664.Sundralingam, P., 1983. Responses of potted seedlings of Dryobalanops aromatica and Dryobalanops oblongifolia to commercial fertilizers. Malaysian Forester 46: 86-92.
- 665.Suratmo, F.G., 1977. Infestation of the leading shoots of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) by Hypsipyla robusta Moore in West Java, Indonesia. BIOTROP Special Publication 2. BIOTROP SEAMEO, Bogor. pp. 121 132.
- 666.Suriamihardja, S., 1979. Seed characteristics of Agathis loranthifolia. Malaysian Forester 42: 214-220.
- 667.Sutigno, P., Memed, R. & Kliwon, S., 1979. Sifat venir dan kayu lapis jenis jenis kayu Indonesia. Bagian 4 [Veneer and plywood properties of Indonesian wood species. Part 4]. Laporan No 141. Lembaga Penelitian Hasil Hutan, Bogor.
- 668.Sutigno, P., Memed, R. & Kliwon, S., 1979. Sifat venir dan kayu lapis jenis jenis kayu Indonesia. Bagian 5 [Veneer and plywood properties of Indonesian wood species. Part 5]. Laporan No 143. Lembaga Penelitian Hasil Hutan, Bogor.
- 669.Sutisna, U. & Soeyatman, H.C., 1984. Komposisi jenis pohon hutan bekas tebangan di Malili, Sulawesi Selatan: deskripsi & analisa [Tree species composition of a logged over forest at Malili, South Sulawesi: description and analysis]. Laporan No 430. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan, Bogor. 28 pp.
- 670.Sutomo, S. & Pratiwi, 1988. Composition and stocking of natural regeneration in a virgin and logged over forest in Kintap, South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Buletin Penelitian Hutan 501: 1-12.
- 671.Suttie, W.R., 1969. Manual of the forest trees of Papua and New Guinea, part 9 Apocynaceae. Department of Forests, Port Moresby. 52 pp.
- 672.Suwal, B., Karki, A. & Rajbhandary, S.B., 1988. The in vitro proliferation of forest trees 1. Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. ex DC. Silvae Genetica 37: 26-28.
- 673.Suwardi, D., 1965. Pengerutan dan stabilisasi dimensi pada sawokecik [Shrinkage and dimension stabilization of sawokecik]. Faculty of Forestry, Agricultural University, Bogor. Thesis. 38 pp.
- 674.Suzuki, T. & Jacalne, D.V., 1986. Response of dipterocarp seedlings to various light conditions under forest canopies. Bulletin of the Forest and Forest Products Research Institute 336: 19-34.
- 675.Switachart, S., 1972. A study on seed germination of makha mong (Afzelia xylocarpa) by soaking in different concentrations of sulphuric acid. Technical Bulletin No R. 138, Royal Forest Department, Thailand. pp. 5-10.
- 676.Syamsuwida, D. & Kurniaty, R., 1989. Sowing qualities of seeds of Shorea compressa and Shorea pinanga in relation to harvest date and length of storage. Buletin Penelitian Hutan 514: 1-10.
- 677.Symington, C.F., 1941. Foresters' manual of dipterocarps. Malayan Forest Records No 16. Forest Department, Kuala Lumpur. pp. xliii + 244.
- 678.Takeuchi, S. et al., 1986. A bioactive polyphenolic constituent in the bark of Pterocarpus indicus Willd. 1. Isolation and characterization. Agricultural and Biological Chemistry 50: 569-573.
- 679.Tamari, C., 1976. Phenology and seed storage trials of dipterocarps. Research Pamphlet No 69, Forest Research Institute Malaysia, Kepong. 73 pp.
- 680.Tamari, C. & Domingo, I.L., 1979. Phenology of Philippine dipterocarps. Tropical Agricultural Research Centre, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Yatake, Tsukuba, Ibaraki.
- 681.Tamari, C. & Jacalne, D.V., 1984. Fruit dispersal of dipterocarps. Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute 325: 127-140.
- 682.Tambunan, B., 1968. Stabilisasi dimensi kayu dengan pemanasan [Stabilization of wood dimension through heating]. Faculty of Forestry, Agricultural University, Bogor. Thesis. 31 pp.
- 683.Tamolang, F.B., Espiloy, E.B. & Floresca, A.R., 1990. Ninth progress report on the strength and related properties of Philippine woods. Philippine Lumberman 36: 25-37.
- 684.Tandiono & Abdurachman, A.J., 1978. Sifat pemesinan kayu perdangan Indonesia. Bagian II (Machining properties of Indonesian commercial wood species. Part II). Laporan No 118. Lembaga Penelitian Hasil Hutan, Bogor. 8 pp.
- 685.Tang, H.T. & Tamari, C., 1973. Seed description and storage tests of some dipterocarps. Malaysian Forester 36: 113-128.
- 686.Tantra, I.G.M., 1972. Sawokecik (Manilkara kauki Dub.) dalam kompleks hutan Pedau, Sumbawa Barat [Sawokecik (Manilkara kauki Dub.) in Pedau Forest Complex, West Sumbawa]. Faculty of Forestry, Agricultural University, Bogor. Thesis. 41 pp.
- 687.Te Aho, T. & Hosking, M.R. (Editors), 1985. Workshop on nursery and plantation practices in the ASEAN, Jakarta, Indonesia. ASEAN New Zealand afforestation Project. New Zealand Forest Service, Wellington. 372 pp.
- 688.Tho, Y.P., 1975. The termite problem in plantation forestry in Peninsular Malaysia. Malaysian Forester 37: 278-283.
- 689.Thomas, A.V., 1939. The timber of yemane grown in Malaya. Malayan Forester 8: 84-85.
- 690.Thomas, A.V., 1949. Red meranti timber. Malayan Forester 12: 64-69.
- 691.Thomas, A.V., 1949. Malayan timbers. Malayan Forester 12: 201-207.
- 692.Thomas, A.V., 1950. Malayan timbers: bintangor, geronggang, terentang. Malayan Forester 13: 84-90.
- 693.Thomas, A.V., 1950. Malayan timbers: jelutong, nyatoh. Malayan Forester 13: 158-163.
- 694.Thomas, A.V., 1950. Malayan timbers: mengkulang, mersawa, punah. Malayan Forester 13: 20-27.
- 695.Thomas, A.V., 1950. Prospects of pulp production in Malaya. Malayan Forester 13: 75- 79.
- 696.Thomas, A.V., 1954. Malayan timbers - bintangor, geronggang, terentang. Malayan Forest Service Trade Leaflet No 12. Malaysian Timber Industry Board, Kuala Lumpur. 7 pp.
- 697.Thomas, K.I., 1987. Research on the rooting of juvenile cuttings of the fast growing hardwood exotics: progress over the period from October 1984 to February 1987. Publication No 33. Forest Research Centre, Sepilok. 53 pp.
- 698.Thonanon, N. et al., 1985. The Thai hardwoods. Royal Forest Department Technical Bulletin R. 188. Bangkok. 99 pp.
- 699.Timber Research and Development Association, 1979. Timbers of the world. Vol. 1: Africa, South America, Southern Asia and South East Asia. The Construction Press, Lancaster.
- 700.Tiwari, K.M., 1983. Social forestry for rural development. International Book, Dehra Dun. 108 pp.
- 701.TNO Timber Research Institute, 1964. Matoa. Timber leaflet TNO, Delft. 2 pp.
- 702.TNO Timber Research Institute, undated. Technical Note No 84, originally published in TNO Report H1 85.1154 on Papua New Guinea timbers. Delft. 2 pp.
- 703.Tomlinson, P.B., 1986. The botany of mangroves. Cambridge University Press. 413 pp.
- 704.Tomlinson, P.B. & Zimmerman, M.H. (Editors), 1978. Tropical trees as living systems. The proceedings of the Fourth Cabot Symposium held at Harvard Forest, Petersham, Massachusetts on April 26 30, 1976. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, London, New York, Melbourne. 675 pp.
- 705.Tompsett, P.B., 1984. Desiccation studies in relation to the storage of Araucaria seed. Annals of Applied Biology 105: 581-586.
- 706.Tompsett, P.B., 1985. The influence of moisture content and storage temperature on the viability of Shorea almon, Shorea robusta and Shorea roxburghii seed. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 15: 1074-1079.
- 707.Torquebiau, E.F., 1984. Man made dipterocarp forest in Sumatra. Agroforestry Systems 2: 103-127.
- 708.Torquebiau, E.F., 1987. Multidisciplinary research on Shorea javanica 1. Introduction. Biotropica 1: 42-45.
- 709.Tran, V.N., 1974. Forest resources of humid tropical Asia. In: Unesco: Natural resources of humid tropical Asia. Natural Resources Research 12. Paris. pp. 197-215.
- 710.Troll, C., 1966. Seasonal climates of the earth. The seasonal course of natural phenomena in the different climatic zones of the earth. In: Rodenwaldt, E. & Justaz, H.J. (Editors): World maps of climatology. Springer Verlag, Berlin. pp. 19-28.
- 711.Tropical Timber Information Centre, 1975. Pometia sp. (Sapindaceae). TTIC Brief No 15. State University of New York, New York. 3 pp.
- 712.Troup, R.S., 1921. Silviculture of Indian trees. 3 volumes. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
- 713.Tucay, J.L.A., 1985. Prolonging seed viability of palosapis (Anisoptera thurifera (Blanco) Blume) in storage. Thesis, University of the Philippines, Los Baños, College, Laguna. 98 pp.
- 714.Turnbull, J., 1974. Kamarere, Eucalyptus deglupta Blume. Forest Tree Series No 175. CSIRO, Division of Forest Research, Melbourne. 2 pp.
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- 716.Turner, I.M., 1989. A shading experiment on some tropical rain forest tree seedlings. Journal of Tropical Forestry Science 1: 383-389.
- 717.Tuyt, P., 1939. Schaduwrijen cultuur van ijzerhout in de residentie Palembang [Strip planting of ironwood in the Palembang residence]. Tectona 32: 805 828.
- 718.Udarbe, N.P., 1987. Social forestry - Sabah experience. Paper presented at the regional workshop on strategies for effective implementation of social forestry programmes, March 30 - April 10, 1987. Los Baños, Laguna, the Philippines.
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- 720.UNESCO, 1974. Natural resources of humid tropical Asia. Natural Resources Research No 12. Paris. 456 pp.
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- 722.van Alphen de Veer, E.J., 1953. Plantations of Pinus merkusii as a means of reafforestation in Indonesia. Tectona 43: 119-130.
- 723.van Alphen de Veer, E.J., 1954. Eusideroxylon zwageri T. et B., een merkwaardige boomsoort [Eusideroxylon zwageri T. et B., a peculiar tree species]. Penggemar Alam 34: 37-41.
- 724.van Alphen de Veer, E.J., 1957. Teak cultivation in Java. Tropical Silviculture. FAO Forestry and Forest Products Studies. Vol. 2, No 13. FAO, Rome. pp. 216-232.
- 725.van Alphen de Veer, E.J. & Verduyn Lunel, F.A., 1950. Kweekproeven met Intsia palembanica Miq. en Intsia bijuga O. Ktze [Germination tests with Intsia palembamica Miq. and Intsia bijuga O. Ktze]. Tectona 40: 336-345.
- 726.van Balgooy, M.M.J. & Knaap van Meeuwen, M.S., 1966. 111. Pericopsis mooniana Thwaites. In: van Steenis, C.G.G.J. & van Balgooy, M.M.J. (Editors): Pacific Plant areas. Vol. 2. Blumea Suppl. 5: 202-203.
- 727.van Bruggen, A.C., 1958. Sapotaceae of the Malaysian area 15. Payena. Blumea 9: 89-138.
- 728.van den Assem, J., 1953. Revision of the Sapotaceae of the Malaysian area in a wider sense IV. Ganua Pierre ex Dubard. Blumea 7: 364-400.
- 729.van der Kloot, W.G., 1959. Resultaten van het Proefstation voor boomgewassen, sedert 1937, Loofhoutsoorten I. Eucalyptus [Results of the Research station for tree crops, since 1937, broad leaf tree species I. Eucalyptus]. Rapport van het Boschbouwproefstation, Buitenzorg No 24. 19 pp.
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- 735.van Royen, P., 1964-1969. Manual of the forest trees of Papua and New Guinea. 6 Parts. Division of Botany, Department of Forests, Lae.
- 736.van Slooten, D.F., 1926. The Dipterocarpaceae of the Dutch East Indies. I. The genus Anisoptera. Bulletin du Jardin Botanique, Buitenzorg, Sér. 3, 8: 1-17.
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- 738.van Slooten, D.F., 1927. The Dipterocarpaceae of the Dutch East Indies. III. The genus Parashorea. Bulletin du Jardin Botanique, Buitenzorg, Sér. 3, 8: 370-380.
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- 740.van Slooten, D.F., 1932. The Dipterocarpaceae of the Dutch East Indies VI. The genus Dryobalanops. Bulletin du Jardin Botanique, Buitenzorg, Sér. 3, 12: 1-43.
- 741.van Slooten, D.F., 1941. Sertulum dipterocarpacearum Malayensium II. Bulletin of the Botanical Garden, Buitenzorg, Ser. 3, 17: 96-138.
- 742.van Slooten, D.F., 1941. Sertulum dipterocarpacearum Malayensium III. Bulletin of the Botanical Garden, Buitenzorg, Ser. 3, 17: 220-255.
- 743.van Slooten, D.F., 1949. Sertulum dipterocarpacearum Malayensium IV. Bulletin of the Botanical Garden, Buitenzorg, Ser. 3, 18: 229-269.
- 744.van Slooten, D.F., 1952. Sertulum dipterocarpacearum Malayensium V. The Dipterocarpaceae of eastern Malaysia (Celebes, the Moluccas, and New Guinea). Reinwardtia 2: 1-68.
- 745.van Slooten, D.F., 1956. Sertulum dipterocarpacearum Malayensium VI. Reinwardtia 3: 315-346.
- 746.van Slooten, D.F., 1961. Sertulum dipterocarpacearum Malayensium VII. Reinwardtia 5: 457-479.
- 747.van Steenis, C.G.G.J., 1948. Dansera and Uittienia. New Malaysian genera of the Caesalp. Cassieae allied to Dialium. Bulletin of the Botanical Garden, Buitenzorg, Ser. 3, 17: 413-419.
- 748.van Steenis, C.G.G.J. & de Wilde, W.J.J.O. (Editors), 1950-. Flora Malesiana. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London.
- 749.Veldkamp, J.F. & de Laubenfels, D.J., 1984. Proposal to reject Pinus dammara (Araucariaceae). Taxon 33: 337-347.
- 750.Verdcourt, B., 1979. A manual of New Guinea legumes. Botany Bulletin No 11. Office of Forests, Division of Botany, Lae. 645 pp.
- 751.Verdcourt, B., 1979. Two new species of Mimosoideae Leguminosae from New Guinea. Kew Bulletin 33: 407-410.
- 752.Verheij, E.W.M. & Coronel, R.E. (Editors), 1991. Plant resources of South East Asia No 2. Edible fruits and nuts. Pudoc, Wageningen. 446 pp.
- 753.Vidal, J., 1962. Noms vernaculaires de plantes en usage au Laos [Plant vernacular names used in Laos]. Ecole française d'extreme Orient, Paris. 197 pp.
- 754.von Kramer, H., 1987. Teakwirtschaft in Java, ein Beispiel für eine multifunctionale nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft in den Tropen [Teak industry on Java, an example of multifunctional sustainable forest management in the tropics]. Der Forst- und Holzwirt 42(10): 259-262.
- 755.von Meyenfeldt, C.F.W.M. et al., 1978. Reforestation of devastated inland forests in South Vietnam. Vol. 3. List of tree species (Appendix IV). Vakgroep Bosteelt, Landbouwuniversiteit, Wageningen. 219 pp.
- 756.Wacharakitti, S., Chantanaparb, L. & Intrachand, P., 1971. Study on the coppicing power and growth of some valuable tree species in dry dipterocarp forest. Forest Research Bulletin, Thailand No 19. 25 pp.
- 757.Wagenführ, R., 1969. Holzeigenschafstafel Teak [Wood property table teak]. Holztechnologie 10: 203 204.
- 758.Wagenführ, R. & Scheiber, C., 1989. Holzatlas [Wood atlas]. 3rd ed. VEB Fachbuchverlag, Leipzig. 720 pp.
- 759.Wagner, H., Habermeier, H. & Schulten, H.R., 1984. The heart glycosides of the arrow poison of Lophopetalum toxicum. Helvetica Chimica Acta 67: 54-64.
- 760.Wardani, M., 1989. Response of Manilkara kauki (L.) Dubard seedlings to dosage and frequency of nitrogen phosphorus potassium 13 13 20 fertilizer. Buletin Penelitian Hutan 506: 11-18.
- 761.Wardani, M., 1989. The effect of shading on growth of Dipterocarpus hasseltii Bl. seedlings. Buletin Penelitian Hutan 515: 11-18.
- 762.Wardi & Soewarsono, P.H., 1963. Preliminary study on the physical and mechanical properties of Indonesian woods. Laporan No 5. Lembaga Penelitian Hasil Hutan, Bogor.
- 763.Webb, D.B., Wood, P.J. & Smith, J., 1980. A guide to species selection for tropical and subtropical plantations. Tropical Forestry Papers No 15. Commonwealth Forestry Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford. 342 pp.
- 764.Webb, D.B. et al., 1984. A guide to species selection for tropical and sub tropical plantations. 2nd ed. Tropical Forestry Papers No 15. Unit of Tropical Silviculture, Commonwealth Forestry Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford. 256 pp.
- 765.White, K.J., 1960. Araucaria spp., caractères sylvicoles et methodes de plantations [Araucaria spp., silvicultural characters and plantation methods]. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques 72: 23-30.
- 766.White, K.J., 1990. Dalbergia sissoo, an annotated bibliography. Winrock International. F/FRED, Bangkok.
- 767.White, K.J. & Cameron, A.L., 1965. Silvicultural techniques in Papua New Guinea forest plantations. Division of Silviculture. Department of Forests Bulletin 1: 8 30.
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