Osmoxylon palmatum (PROSEA)

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Plant Resources of South-East Asia
List of species

Osmoxylon palmatum (Lamk) Philipson

Family: Araliaceae


  • Boerlagiodendron palmatum (Zipp. ex Boerl.) Harms.

Vernacular names

  • Indonesia: daun gurita, pelenda darat (the Moluccas).


Indigenous to the Moluccas and Sulawesi (Indonesia).


Leaves are eaten as a vegetable. In local medicine they are also applied against gonorrhoea.


  • Small tree up to 15 m tall.
  • Leaves clustered near the end of the branches; petiole up to 40 cm long, sheathing at base; leaf-blade palmately 5-9-lobed, in outline up to 45 cm in diameter, lobes elliptical with serrate margins.
  • Inflorescence a terminal compound umbel.

An understorey tree in primary rain forest.

Selected sources

7, 44, 91.