Medinilla crassifolia (PROSEA)

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Plant Resources of South-East Asia
List of species

Medinilla crassifolia (Blume) Blume

Family: Melastomataceae


  • Medinilla hasseltii Blume.

Vernacular names

  • Indonesia: bongkol, harendong mangandeuh (West Java)
  • Malaysia: lokan jantan.


Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines.


The sour leaves and fruits are eaten.


  • Exceedingly variable epiphytic shrub, up to 1 m tall, climbing or scrambling.
  • Leaves opposite, glabrous; petiole up to 2 cm long; leaf-blade very variable, ovate-oblong to lanceolate, 8-19 cm × 3-8 cm, coriaceous.
  • Fruit a globose berry, 4-6 mm in diameter, orange to red.

Mostly in peat swamp and secondary forest, or disturbed situations at low altitudes, but up to 1000 m.

Selected sources

7, 20, 42, 75.