Manilkara fasciculata (PROSEA)

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Plant Resources of South-East Asia
List of species

Manilkara fasciculata (Warb.) H.J. Lam & Maas Geest.

Protologue: Blumea 4: 335 (1941).


  • Northia fasciculata (Warb.) H.J. Lam (1925),
  • Manilkara merrilliana H.J. Lam (1941),
  • Abebaia fasciculata (Warb.) Baehni (1964).

Vernacular names

  • Philippines: duyok-duyok.


The southern Philippines (southern Luzon, Samar, Mindanao), Sulawesi, the northern Moluccas and Irian Jaya.


The timber is used for heavy construction, furniture and implements.


  • A medium-sized to fairly large tree, up to 40 m tall, with straight and cylindrical bole, free of branches up to 30 m, having a diameter of up to 100(-180) cm.
  • Leaves more or less clustered at apex of twigs, entirely glabrous.
  • Flower buds ovoid, pedicels gradually incrassate or slender and not incrassate, calyx up to 5 mm long, ovary without a disk.
  • Fruit globose to obovoid, up to 3.5 cm long.

M. fasciculata is locally common (e.g. in Irian Jaya), in primary forest, on clayey soil and limestone, up to 500 m altitude. The density of the wood is 1000-1200 kg/m3 at 15% moisture content. See also the table on wood properties.

Selected sources

263, 484, 731, 814.

Main genus page


  • R.H.M.J. Lemmens (selection of species),