Maba-Maieta (Sturtevant, 1919)

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Sturtevant, Notes on edible plants, 1919
Maba-Maieta (Sturtevant, 1919)

Maba buxifolia Pers.

Ebenaceae. SATINWOOD.

Asia and African tropics. The fruit is edible, the taste sweetish and not unpalatable but it is scarcely worth the trouble of eating, the seed being so large in proportion to the pulp.

Maba inconstans Griseb.

West Indies. The fruit, at first yellow, then red, is edible, with an ungrateful smell and an insipid taste. It is an inch in diameter.

Maba major Forst. f.

Fiji Islands and India. In India, the fruit is eaten.

Macadamia ternifolia F. Muell.

Proteaceae. NUT TREE.

Subtropics of east Australia. The nuts have the taste of hazels.

Madia sativa Molina.

Compositae. MADIA-OIL PLANT.

Western North and South America. This plant is cultivated in Chile, France, Germany and Italy for the sake of the limpid and sweet oil which is expressed from its seeds. This oil is used as a substitute for olive oil. The seeds yield about 41 per cent to analysis and from 26 to 28 per cent to the oil-press, according to Boussingault, whose experiment in 1840 gave 635 pounds of oil and 1706 pounds of oil cake per acre. The plant is easily cultivated, requiring management similar to seed clover, but, owing to the glutinous nature of the stems and stalks, the seeds require to be threshed and sown as soon as the crop is cut, otherwise fermentation injures them.

Maerua crassifolia Forsk.


Arabia. This is an arborescent shrub called in Yemen maeru. Its fruit is eaten by boys.

Maesa argentea Wall.


Himalayan region. The round, smooth, white berry, the size of a peppercorn, is eaten.

Maesa indica Wall.

East Indies and Malay. The very small, globose, white berry is eaten in Nepal. At Bombay it is called atki.

Magnolia grandiflora Linn.

Magnoliaceae. MAGNOLIA.

Eastern North America. The flowers are pickled in some parts of Devonshire, England, and are considered exquisite in flavor.

Magnolia yulan Desf.


China. The Chinese pickle the flower-buds, after having removed the calyx, and use them for flavoring rice.

Maieta guianensis Aubl.


Guiana. The fruit is succulent, edible and of a beautiful red color. This plant furnishes gooseberry-like fruits of little value.

Maieta heterophylla DC.

Peru. The fruit is eaten.

Maieta poeppigii Mart.

Peru. The fruit is eaten.