Literature on Libyan cultivated plants (Hammer et al., 1988)
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Literature on Libyan cultivated plants (Hammer et al., 1988) |
- AL ALAZZEH, A., K. HAMMER, CHR. O. LEHMANN and P. PERRINO, 1982 a. Report on a travel to the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 1981 for the collection of indigenous taxa of cultivated plants. Kulturpflanze 30, 191-202.
- -, -, - and-, 1982 b. Collecting in Libya. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 49, 22-23.
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- AQUITEEN, A. 0., 1985. Status of plant genetic resources in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. Plant
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- BAIK, MUN-CHAN, HOANG HO-DZUN and K. HAMMER, 1986. A check-list of the Korean cultivated plants. Kulturpflanze 34, 69-144.
- BARTH, H., 1857. H.eisen und Entdeckungen in Nord- und Centralafrika in den Jahren 1849-55, Bd. 1. Gotha.
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- GINTZBURGER, G., 1978. Plant genetic conservation. Forage legume collection in Libya spring 1978. Part 1. Organization and preliminary rcsults. Agricultural Research Centre, Tripoli, 41 p.
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- HAJJ AJI, S. A., 1974. Agricultural development and land settlement in the Kufra region of Libya. Land Reform 1-2, 68-88. FAO, Rome.
- HAMMER, K., S. CIFARELLI and P. PERRINO, 1986a. Collection of land-races of cultivated plants in South Italy, 1985. Kulturpflanze 34, 261-273.
- -, P. HANELT and P. PERRINO, 1986 b. Carosello and the taxonomy of Cucumis melo L. especially of its vegetable races. Kulturpflanze 34, 249-259.
- -, CHR. O. LEHMANN and P. PERRINO, 1985. Character variability and evolutionary trends in a barley hybrid swarm - a case study. Biol. Zentralbl. 104, 511-517.
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- KEIMER, L., 1924. Die Gartenpflanzen im alten Ägypten, 1. Bd. Hamburg und Berlin.
- KEITH, H. G., 1965. A preliminary check list of Libyan flora, 2 vols. London.
- LEHMANN, CHR. O. und K. HAMMER, 1983 a. Bericht über eine Reise in die Sozialistische Libysche Arabische Volksjamahiriya 1982 zur Sammlung autochthoner Sippen von Kulturpflanzen. Kulturpflanze 31, 207-217.
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- LESTER, R. N. and L. NIAKAN, 1986. Origin and domestication of the scarlet eggplant, Solanum aethiopicum, from S. anguivi. In: W. G. D'ARCY (ed.), Solanaceae: Biology and Systematics, pp. 433-456. New York.
- LETHIELLEUX, J., 1948. Le Fezzan, ses jardins, ses palmiers. Publications de l'Institut des Belles Lettres Arabes. Tunis.
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- NANNIZZI, A., 1913. Le piante coltivate ed utili delle Libia. Siena.
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- -, G. B. PoLIGNANO, K. HAMMER and CHR. O. LEHMANN, 1984 a. Report on a travel to the
- Socialist People's Libyan Arab J amahiriya 1983 for the collection of indigenous taxa
- of cultivated plants. Kulturpflanze 32, 197-206.
- -, -,- and -, 1984 b. Wheat and barley collectecl in Libya. -Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 58, 39-41.
- QUAISER, M. and A. GHAFOOR, 1979. Tamaricaceae. In: S. M. H. JAFRI and A. ELGADI (eds.), Flora of Libya 66. Tripoli.
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