Laufer, Berthold

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Laufer, Berthold
born on 11 October 1874
deceased on 13 September 1934
anthropologist, historian, linguist



  • Laufer, 1919. Sino-iranica. Chinese contribution to the history of civilisation in ancient Iran. Chicago, Field Museum of Natural History. Pub. 201, Anthropological Series XV (3). Reprint Taipei 1967.
    • This publication is fundamental for useful plants history. The book focuses on the plants borrowed by Chineses to Iran, but extends itself to those borrowed by Iranians to China. The author has a wonderful knowledge of the languages of all central Asia, not speaking of European languages (Latin, Greek...).
    • The book is being put on line on Pl@ntUse : Laufer, Sino-Iranica

