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Order Lamiales



Following APG IV, the family includes the following families previously distinguished:

Genera on Pl@ntUse

Key of subtribe Plectranthinae

according to Paton et al. (2019).

1 Corolla actinomorphic, or almost so, stamens spreading not declinate Tetradenia
1 Corolla strongly zygomorphic, stamens declinate 2
  2 Lateral lobes of the corolla deflexed towards the anterior lobe Thorncroftia
  2 Lateral lobes of the corolla ascending towards the median lobes of the posterior lip or horizontal and held between the anterior lobe and median lobes of the posterior lip 3
   3 Posterior lip of corolla truncate, lateral lobes usually horizontal, short, held between the anterior lobe and median lobes of the posterior lip Capitanopsis
   3 Posterior lip of corolla not truncate, diverging from anterior lip of the corolla, with lateral lobes usually ascending and close to median lobes of posterior lip 4
    4 Calyx basally circumscissile; tube distally dorsiventrally flattened Aeollanthus
    4 Calyx very rarely circumscissile; tube not dorsiventrally flattened 5
     5 Calyx 3-lobed (1 upper, 2 lower), expanded and membranous in fruit Alvesia
     5 Calyx 5-lobed (1 upper, 4 lower, or actinomorphic), rarely expanded and membranous in fruit 6
      6 Calyx with pedicel attached asymmetrically to the base of the calyx tube, opposite the posterior lip; corolla with upper (posterior) lip shorter than lower (anterior), rarely subequally lobed Coleus
      6 Calyx with pedicel attached symmetrically to the base of the calyx tube, not opposite the upper lip, corolla lobes more or less equal in length 7
       7 Calyx throat truncate with lateral lobes of the calyx held midway between the uppermost and lowermost lobes; corolla tube usually sigmoid, parallel-sided at base, dilating towards throat Equilabium
       7 Calyx throat oblique with lateral lobes of the calyx held closer to the lowermost pair of lobes than the upper lobe; corolla tube straight or curved downwards, usually gibbous, saccate or shortly spurred at base Plectranthus


  • Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, 2016. An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG IV. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 1-20. doi : 10.1111/boj.12385 et [1]
  • Harley, R. M. & Pastore, J. F. B. 2012. A generic revision and new combinations in the Hyptidinae (Lamiaceae), based on molecular and morphological evidence. Phytotaxa, 58 : 1-55. Phytotaxa et doi : 10.11646/phytotaxa.58.1.1.
  • Kubitzki, K. et al., 2011. The families and genera of vascular plants. Volume X, p. 23.
