Inventories and websites by plant family

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This list gives sites dedicated to a particular family or genus. Genera are shown under the family name (as adopted by APG III). Most sites are not restricted to uses, but deal with useful plants, or include data of interest for ethnobotanists, such as common names or uses.

The list is only indicative of what can be offered on the Internet. Feel free to add any scientific site you know, with comments.

Inventories by plant family


IPK Allium database. The Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (previously Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung) hosts a comprehensive living collection of Allium, including both wild and cultivated taxa.


Annonaceae of Africa Moderated by Thomas Couvreur (IRD-Montpellier)


Cate - Araceae CATE-Araceae is a community of experts and enthusiasts, trying to improve our understanding of the taxonomy, biology, ecology and evolution of the Araceae. It aims to produce an up-to-date, accessible and integrated, consensus classification of the Araceae. Supported by 7 institutions. CATE stands for Creating a Taxonomic e-Science.


Wayne's Word Lemnaceae On-Line Curator: W.P. Armstrong


The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall A portal to all cactus sites

Au Cactus francophone in French

Sempervivum and Jovibarba

Sempervivophilia In French


Gymnocalycium Galerie in French. Gymnocalycium...ement vôtre in French.


TICA = The International Compositae Alliance TICA is an international organization with the goal of promoting contact among systematists working on the Compositae, especially those using molecular data for big picture phylogenies.


International Cichorieae Network A new initiative towards a web-distributed revision of the Cichorieae.


Hieracium Study Group Based in the Czech Republic.


Astereae Working Group Hosted by the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque (USA)


Cucurbit Network Concentrates on cultivated cucurbits. Many resources, including a checklist, publications and events.


Dipterocarpaceae Data Base The Dipterocarpaceae Data Base was begun in 1993 by ABW Associates Ltd., based at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and has had several other contributors since then. Originally used as a taxonomic tool in the production of the Manuals of Dipterocarps for Foresters, it has grown to include much more information, including records of all the specimens in the herbarium at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and all specimens of Thai Dipterocarpaceae. It currently holds 1,477 plant names and 10,952 plant records.


Grassworld GrassWorld is an online information system of the world’s grasses derived from a DELTA dataset. The current version has descriptions to most species in English, French, German and Spanish. The basic kernel of GrassWorld is the morphological data of Kew’s Grassbase to which many ancillary characters have been added - bibliographic, geographic, illustration sources, name derivation, cytology, classification, naturalised status.

Grassbase This site presents a set of detailed morphological descriptions of all grass species. A synonymy index is downloadable.


Wheat Taxonomy Hosted by the Kansas State University. Gives the details of all the existing classifications of genus Triticum, and the links between them.


Lacistemataceae electronic monograph Since the splitting of the polyphyletic Flacourtiaceae ss., no synthesis is available on the new family Lacistemataceae. The aim of this site is to provide such a synthesis. The curator is Fee Young (Reading).


Lecythidaceae pages This site created by Scott Mori (New-York Botanical Garden) offers full descriptions of many species, with common names and uses. It is profusely illustrated with many links and downloadable files.


ILDIS International database on the Leguminosae of the World, with access to the literature. Created in the United-Kingdom (Reading and Cardiff). One of the oldest and most comprehensive database on a plant family.


Malpighiaceae Curator: Christiane Anderson. The contents are based mainly on the work of William R. Anderson and Christiane Anderson (University of Michigan) and of Charles C. Davis (Harvard University). This project is supported by grants to the University of Michigan and to Harvard University. The genus pages give uses and the etymology of the scientific name. There are apparently no species pages for the moment.


Malvaceae Info Covers the family Malvaceae (sensu APG), including a World checklist, popular names, uses...


Melastomataceae of the world The goal of this website is to provide a centralized clearinghouse for information about the Melastomataceae. Included herein are pages providing images, descriptions of various groups, current research around the world, bibliographic references, phylogenetics, melastomatologists, and other topics. Curator: Darin S. Penneys, University of Florida.



Figweb Everything on the genus Ficus and their pollinators. Created by the Cape Musea, in collaboration with Simon van Noort and Jean-Yves Rasplus.


portal to orchid sites

Orchidées de Provence Much more than what the title says.

World of Orchids

Orchidaceae of Central Africa Moderated by Vincent Droissart, and supported by the Université Libre de Bruxelles, the Université de Yaoundé I, the Missouri Botanical Garden and the IRD. It covers data from several countries of Central Africa, and the intention is to expand it to all Africa. Bilingual English-French.


Palmweb (Palms of the World Online) Palmweb is an authoritative source of information about palms, one of the most important plant families in the world. It contains data compiled by palm diversity experts for all 2,400 palm species. Bagan as an EDIT project, and supported by Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, the Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum, Berlin-Dahlem, and Aarhus University. Uses and common names are given, but not in so much detail.



The Internet Peperomia Reference Created by Guido Mathieu. Focus on taxonomy and nomenclature. Apparently no indication of uses or popular names.


Rubus website Developed by a researcher in Rubus phylogeny, Lawrence Alice.


World Checklist of Rubiaceae The coffee family.


Sapotaceae Resource Centre This website is designed to provide an international virtual information network for researchers interested in the flowering plant family Sapotaceae. It includes information on herbarium collections, publications, research projects, individuals and meetings. Hosted at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.


Solanaceae Source Solanaceae Source aims to produce a worldwide taxonomic monograph of all species in the genus Solanum. The National Science Foundation (NSF) funds the project as part of the Planetary Biodiversity Inventories (PBI) mission. Created by the Natural History Museum, London. Just beginning...


Umbellifer Resource Centre This website, and it's sister the Araliaceae Resource Centre, are designed to provide an international virtual information network for researchers interested in the flowering plant Order Apiales. It includes information on publications, research projects, individuals, datasets, news and views, etc. Hosted at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. It seems not to work for Araliaceae (Dec. 14, 2011).


Zingiberaceae Resource Centre This site brings together in one place taxonomic and related information which has been gathered from herbaria and libraries across the world. The aim is to help researchers, wherever they are, to get the basic data they need for taxonomic revisions and to encourage international collaboration between botanists. Hosted at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.


eMonocot eMonocot aims to create a global online resource for monocot plants. It will provide a focus for taxonomists working on monocots and will help people discover information about monocots by providing tools for identification, up-to-date checklists, descriptions and links to other resources. It is a consortium between Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Oxford University and the Natural History Museum (United-Kingdom).