Halopegia blumei (PROSEA)
Introduction |
Halopegia blumei (Koernicke) K. Schumann
- Family: Marantaceae
Maranta blumei Koernicke, Clinogyne blumei (Koernicke) Bentham, Donax blumei (Koernicke) K. Schumann.
Vernacular names
- Indonesia: jelantir (Javanese), patat (Sundanese), langkuwas (Kangean)
- Laos: to:ng chi:ng (Xieng Khouang)
- Vietnam: dong nam.
Indonesia (Java, Madura, Kangean), Laos, Vietnam.
The tubers are eaten cooked or roasted, especially in times of food scarcity, and said to be rather savoury, reminiscent of turnip ( Brassica rapa L.). The leaves are occasionally used as wrapping material.
Tillering, erect herb, 30-75 cm tall, with numerous horizontal rhizomes which are swollen at the top into 3-4-jointed tubers up to 2.5 cm long. Leaves 4-8, distichous; petiole 15-25 cm long, sheathed; blade elliptical, 12-28 cm × 5-11 cm, apex abruptly caudate, very thin. Inflorescence terminal or axillary, spiciform, pubescent; peduncle up to 15 cm long; spike 15-20 cm long, with about 10 bracts 5-10 cm long; flowers in pairs, one sessile, one on a 0.5 cm long, winged pedicel, white; calyx lobes very unequal; corolla lobes narrow; androecium with 1 fertile stamen and 4 petaloid staminodes; ovary trilocular. Fruit a 1-seeded caryopsis, about 8 mm long. It occurs in shady locations (e.g. teak forest) on heavy soil, up to 350 m altitude, often in groups together. In Java, aerial parts die off towards the end of the rainy season. Propagation is from tuber or from seed.
Selected sources
3, 32, 49, 66, 93.
L.E. Groen, J.S. Siemonsma & P.C.M. Jansen