Finlaysonia obovata (PROSEA)

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Plant Resources of South-East Asia
List of species

Finlaysonia obovata Wallich

Family: Asclepiadaceae


  • Finlaysonia maritima Backer ex Heyne.

Vernacular names

  • Indonesia: kalak kambing, oyod kambing (Java)
  • Malaysia: pelir kambing
  • Philippines: tulus-baybay (Hanunoo)
  • Thailand: kraphopla (eastern)
  • Vietnam: phin lai sôn.


Widely distributed from India to South-East Asia and Australia.


In the Moluccas the salty leaves are eaten raw.


  • Woody liana with white latex, up to 5 m long, bark papery.
  • Leaf-blade obovate-oblong to elliptical, 4-15 cm × 2-8 cm, coriaceous, glabrous; petiole 1-2 cm long.
  • Fruit a widely divergent pair of follicles; follicle ovoid, 5-8 cm long, ribbed, hooked acuminate at apex.

In mangrove swamps and on banks of tidal rivers.

Selected sources

7, 34, 42, 44.