Eucalyptus gummifera (PROSEA)
From PlantUse English
Introduction |
Eucalyptus gummifera (Sol. ex Gaertner) Hochr.
- Protologue: Candollea 2: 464 (1925).
- Eucalyptus corymbosa J.E. Smith (1795).
Vernacular names
- Red bloodwood, bloodwood (En).
Native from south-eastern Queensland to eastern Victoria, Australia. Cultivated in Peninsular Malaysia.
The wood is used especially for poles, railway sleepers, mining construction and hardboard, but its use is limited due to the occurrence of gum veins.
- A medium-sized to fairly large tree of up to 35 m tall, bole generally well-shaped, bark tessellated throughout, grey-brown or brown.
- Juvenile leaves alternate, ovate to broadly lanceolate, discolorous, adult leaves alternate, broadly lanceolate to lanceolate, 10-14(-16) cm × 2-4(-5) cm, acuminate.
- Inflorescence a large terminal panicle, umbels 7-flowered; operculum hemispherical-conical, apiculate.
- Fruit urceolate, 15-20 mm × 11-15 mm, the 3 or 4 valves deeply enclosed.
E. gummifera occurs on sandy soils, on flat land and low hills in open forest up to 500 m altitude.
Selected sources
63a, 85, 232, 322a, 343, 540.
Main genus page
- C.C.H. Jongkind (selection of species)