Dipterocarpus rigidus (PROSEA)
From PlantUse English
Introduction |
Dipterocarpus rigidus Ridley
- Protologue: Journ. Str. Br. Royal As. Soc. 82: 171 (1920).
Vernacular names
- Indonesia: bayan tuwung (South Kalimantan), keruing likat (Sumatra), tuyong (East Kalimantan)
- Malaysia: keruing chogan (Peninsular, Sarawak), keruing utap (Sarawak), keruing kelewar (Peninsular).
Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo.
The timber is used as keruing.
- A large tree of up to 50 m tall, bole up to 95 cm in diameter, buttresses up to 1 m tall, stout, concave, bark surface rust-brown, shallowly patchily flaked; buds conical, tomentose but glabrous on mature trees.
- Leaves ovate, 13-25 cm × 8-16 cm, base broadly cuneate, acumen up to 1 cm long, secondary veins 12-16 pairs, beneath shortly densely pubescent, petiole 3-6 cm long, stipules lorate, subacute, outside tomentose but glabrescent.
- Stamens 24.
- Fruit calyx tube subglobose, 5-tuberculate, glabrous, 2 larger fruit calyx lobes up to 18 cm × 5 cm, 3 shorter ones up to 8 mm × 8 mm.
D. rigidus is locally abundant and sometimes semi-gregarious in forest on dry soils on coastal hills. The density of the wood is 705-965 kg/m3 at 15% moisture content.
Selected sources
31, 89, 102, 140, 189, 253, 258, 677, 737, 746, 748.
Main genus page
- T. Smitinand (selection of species),
- C. Phengklai (selection of species),
- L.E. Groen (selection of species)